
the only time these feet are still

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

2-4-6. Wait, Six?!? What the hell!!!

Okay, so I'm a schmuck and don't update the blog very often.  After enough "You're not going to do its" I don't know if I'm doing it because I finally have enough saved up to say or if I'm just tired of my wife judging me.  I mean, does it mean I don't love my family just because I'm not giddy about blabbing every single night to the the six people in the world who read this and know us.  Whadevah.  See!! while I'm writing she even told me I'm a schmuck. 

Little D is sick.  Again.  Again.  Again.  I swear if I go the rest of my entire life and never ever hear the words "ear infection" again I will, well, I just won't be hearing those words but you get my drift.  She is a trooper however and was running around the driveway playing Bocce ball and barking orders at the others and giggling at her brother and sister as well as the neighbors' kids while they ran around through the wacky sprinkler like little cracked out monkeys.

The time waiting to travel is not moving very fast and I am losing my patience.  Well, I didn't really have any to begin with, but now I have any less.  They won't take him from me just because of the nasty vibes I'm sending the home country's government will they?  Grrrrr.  We did finally get the mother in law to finish one of the gifts to go in little H's care package and we are ready to send that off to him.  I hope he likes it and doesn't throw the stuff down thinking "what kind of crap are these losers sending me?  I mean, who likes toy trucks anyway?"

Six.  I swear she was just born last week.  On the way home from school today T said in her sweetest (still not that sweet anymore) voice, "Daddy, I don't want to go to first grade because I want to have Mrs. B. again next year." Well I had to 'splain how that was not possible, especially considering that her saint of a kindergarten teacher is retiring and will most certainly not be anyone's teacher next year.  But the part about her not going to 1st grade, I'm right there with ya babe.  SLOW DOWN.

We had at least three hundred other 3-6 year olds over for the birthday party.  Next time I will just take a bath in pig's blood Carrie style and jump into a tiger cage at the zoo, or perhaps a shark tanl.  Either one would be less painful and certainly less interminable.  The little professor enjoyed it though which is all that mattered.  If anyone is shopping for any princess Barbies of any kind and finds the shelves empty any time soon, don't fret, they're all at my house (at least until I can find a way to "accidentally" give them away).

Well, at least the Sox have clawed back to being tied for first in the East and that's something to be happy about coming into the June swoon.  'Course we're gonna suck again until the middle of July.  At least I can hope until then that they will still be around in October.  I know the Mrs. doesn't really care about baseball and would rather me not yap about it in the blog, but since she isn't writing tonight, it's not really her say. 

It's HOT here already.  I truly feel sorry for those idiots living in the swampy south right now, but I suppose to each their own.  I hate summer because I don't like mopping up my skin as it melts from my bones, but I must admit that the feeling of the early summer sun as I walk out in the afternoon does remind me that it is vacation time.  For everyone else.  Those of us planning to travel to places distant and foreign to retrieve sweet little cherubs don't really have that luxury.  We are trying to find something to do because the aforementioned monkeys do deserve something.  Banana farm perhaps?  We'll see.

1 comment:

  1. you are too much! Love love love you all!!

    SIX? that is lu-di-cris!
