I haven't posted much at all later, so I feel like I have lots I want to say. First, our kids are growing up so quickly. I truly feel like they age years in the blink of an eye. And all this while M is growing so much far from us. It is bittersweet, I know he is well cared for and I appreciate what the Korean government is trying to do, but hard because in our hearts he is already a C, and we want him home!
January 1, 2012 will be a very important day. First it is P's 5th birthday! How 5 years have gone by this quickly I will never comprehend. 2nd, it marks the new year when Korea will begin processing emigration paperwork again. A paperwork line that we hope we are near the front of.
Christmas has come quickly this year. It has been difficult to stay focused on enjoying the now, while wanting the new year to come so the paperwork can move again.
This is a paper T did in school last week. It makes me so proud to see the kindness she has in her heart. I am so thankful for such kind, beautiful, sweet children. They are a great distraction from the wait for M.
To those that are waiting for their 1st child to come, my thoughts are with you during this Christmas holiday. I am sure it is difficult. And my thoughts are with the birth families out there that celebrate without their babies too. I wish them all peace and joy during these times.
Merry Christmas from all of us!
the only time these feet are still
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
In honor of the season, here are some things I/we are grateful for (in no particular order).
~ amazing friends:
- like the kind that takes time out of her busy schedule to take amazing pictures of my family for me. Without her, I would only have my pitiful attempts at pictures.
- friends who love our children like their own. Ones that think of them even when they are out of town visiting their own families! I don't know if they will ever truly realize how much my kids love them, and more importantly how grateful I am for them.
- friends that will stand in the cold in the middle of the night for the fun of Black Friday shopping.
- friends who share their turkey fryer, so that we too may enjoy unhealthy goodness!
In fact, I am grateful for all of my friends, we truly have so many great friends that will be just as excited as us when H comes home.
~ family
- mostly my sweet, adorable perfect children and husband. They love me unconditionally and make me whole.
- our extended family. Of course a big part of that is mentioned above in our friends who are like a family. But also, those we got via the powers that be. They never make for a dull moment & they take us as we are (whether they want to or not.)
- H! Because even though he is far away he is family, and this is the last Thanksgiving we will celebrate without him.
~ my health and the health of my loved ones.
~ my job, I have one, it is fulfilling and never boring.
- amazing co-workers that better fall into the category of friends.
Life, I am thankful for life, I love this time of year. A time of thankfulness, a time of giving. And especially days like today, good friends, good times, good weather.
I could take or leave the bitter cold, so I am thankful for a Fall like day today.
Now, I shall go and be subjected to the VT/UVA game, with S (die hard UVA fan) & a VT fan present, should be interesting. Hoping my children don't learn any new choice words in the next 3 hours!
Thank you.
~ amazing friends:
- like the kind that takes time out of her busy schedule to take amazing pictures of my family for me. Without her, I would only have my pitiful attempts at pictures.
- friends who love our children like their own. Ones that think of them even when they are out of town visiting their own families! I don't know if they will ever truly realize how much my kids love them, and more importantly how grateful I am for them.
- friends that will stand in the cold in the middle of the night for the fun of Black Friday shopping.
- friends who share their turkey fryer, so that we too may enjoy unhealthy goodness!
In fact, I am grateful for all of my friends, we truly have so many great friends that will be just as excited as us when H comes home.
~ family
- mostly my sweet, adorable perfect children and husband. They love me unconditionally and make me whole.
- our extended family. Of course a big part of that is mentioned above in our friends who are like a family. But also, those we got via the powers that be. They never make for a dull moment & they take us as we are (whether they want to or not.)
- H! Because even though he is far away he is family, and this is the last Thanksgiving we will celebrate without him.
~ my health and the health of my loved ones.
~ my job, I have one, it is fulfilling and never boring.
- amazing co-workers that better fall into the category of friends.
Life, I am thankful for life, I love this time of year. A time of thankfulness, a time of giving. And especially days like today, good friends, good times, good weather.
I could take or leave the bitter cold, so I am thankful for a Fall like day today.
Now, I shall go and be subjected to the VT/UVA game, with S (die hard UVA fan) & a VT fan present, should be interesting. Hoping my children don't learn any new choice words in the next 3 hours!
Thank you.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
I am horrible at coming up with titles for my posts, the end. But rambling is what I usually, so I am going with that. Years down the road I will wonder why I called every 4th post some variation of the word!
Anyway, 1st I want to say WE GOT MORE PICTURES!!! And they are from his foster home, and he is smiling, yes smiling in several. In fact in one he is making the "cheese face." In another he is riding in one of those L*ittle Tikes cars, a police car to be exact. Those that know us might know that we have the exact same one, so that made me happy. Something familiar for him when he gets home! He also has his photo album GG made him and he is sitting or laying intently checking us out! Yay! Speaking of coming home, time seems to finally be moving now, and spring doesn't seem nearly as far away.
In other news, we are preparing for the loss of a loved one. One of S's family members is nearing the end of a hard fight with cancer. Mortality is hard. We are sad but hope to maintain the memories of her contribution to the amazing man my husband is present in our lives. It is leading to some hard conversations at our house, ones I wish we never had to have. I saw something today that is really resonating in my mind: "love the people God gave you, because He will need them back one day."
One last ramble, something important to all people, whether we realize it or not. I have a dear, amazing friend, I will call her "Fluffy". She is amazingly talented, smart, hilarious and thought provoking. She has a blog (sort of several) and I think everyone should check it out. http://dayeseye.typepad.com/make_change/. Check it out, think about the change you can make in the world around you. I have made change for people, I didn't always realize it or even mean to in the moment, but I have. And I feel amazing. And you know what? It wasn't even that hard. Doing what felt right in my heart in that moment made a difference.
So to you "Fluffy" you have made change in my life, as simple as fixing this blog, to lending a sympathetic ear. So, thank you.
Love those dear to you, make change in the lives around you & enjoy life.
*ps...typing on an IPad is difficult, so don't judge :)*
Anyway, 1st I want to say WE GOT MORE PICTURES!!! And they are from his foster home, and he is smiling, yes smiling in several. In fact in one he is making the "cheese face." In another he is riding in one of those L*ittle Tikes cars, a police car to be exact. Those that know us might know that we have the exact same one, so that made me happy. Something familiar for him when he gets home! He also has his photo album GG made him and he is sitting or laying intently checking us out! Yay! Speaking of coming home, time seems to finally be moving now, and spring doesn't seem nearly as far away.
In other news, we are preparing for the loss of a loved one. One of S's family members is nearing the end of a hard fight with cancer. Mortality is hard. We are sad but hope to maintain the memories of her contribution to the amazing man my husband is present in our lives. It is leading to some hard conversations at our house, ones I wish we never had to have. I saw something today that is really resonating in my mind: "love the people God gave you, because He will need them back one day."
One last ramble, something important to all people, whether we realize it or not. I have a dear, amazing friend, I will call her "Fluffy". She is amazingly talented, smart, hilarious and thought provoking. She has a blog (sort of several) and I think everyone should check it out. http://dayeseye.typepad.com/make_change/. Check it out, think about the change you can make in the world around you. I have made change for people, I didn't always realize it or even mean to in the moment, but I have. And I feel amazing. And you know what? It wasn't even that hard. Doing what felt right in my heart in that moment made a difference.
So to you "Fluffy" you have made change in my life, as simple as fixing this blog, to lending a sympathetic ear. So, thank you.
Love those dear to you, make change in the lives around you & enjoy life.
*ps...typing on an IPad is difficult, so don't judge :)*
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Today I shall focus on M, which I feel like I haven't done enough of. We got 4 new pictures today from his 14 month well boy visit, and a progress report. Man, he gets cuter and cuter and CUTER every time we get pictures. In one he is pointing at the camera, I love those pictures, as if they understand fully that they are the subject being captured.
In the progress report it says there are MORE pictures taken at the foster home that they will be sending!! I am GIDDY! I am so in love with that sweet face, I just go gaga every time we get new pictures. And then I feel sad because I know it will be awhile til we get more, but this time it sounds like it might be sooner than normal! We also have the cameras sitting waiting to be mailed off. I now realize that he might not get this package until close to Christmas, so I might need to cram more in there!
So the progress report says some interesting things. I.E. things that tell me he is meant to be a C. He is still just barely walking, only a couple steps here and there. Well around here, the C children ALL waiting until after 12 months to walk, T waiting until 14 months (too lazy to be bothered)! 2nd, he is independent, and gets angry when his FM tries to help him. Well he and Buggy will certainly have that in common. Now T, as stated above, is happy for others to do for her (wait on her royalty really) but the others are all about independence. He like to sleep, 2 naps plus 9pm-6am...LIKE! And he can throw a good tantrum....Greeaaat. That is just what we need here, another tantrum thrower. Really, I love it! It means he does and will voice his opinion, and well the C family definitely all voice there opinion, ask anyone that knows us!
M isn't so little anymore. He is over 21 pounds! And boy that sweet, sweet face.
I have been asked a number of times from several people if we know when we will bring him home. That isn't an easy question to answer. I know he won't be home for Christmas (even though it is our only wish) and definitely not before the New Year. Our agency quotes "up to 14 months" after referral. Our referral went to Korea March 28th, that means May 28th--ish. I am hoping, wishing praying, pleading, begging that it is closer to 12 months, but realistically, 14 months. I respect that. He is worth the wait and, while I hate missing out on every second he isn't here, I know once he is home, the wait will be a distant memory. I hope that it will be much like childbirth, very painful, but once you have that sweet baby, you are willing to go through it again.
There are advantages to it still being many months away, and I try to focus on them when I am not pouting (see previous posts). S can actually get around to learning Korean, like he wants to. I can learn a couple words, which is about all I am capable of! He is safe, healthy and loved where he is, getting exposed to Korea and it's culture, so we will use this time to learn the same. T & my birthday is in May, so it would be an AMAZING birthday present to have him here, I get so excited thinking about that. If it is late May, he will be here in time for summer, which will be an easier time for both S and I to be off, T will be out of school, and we can enjoy the beautiful outdoors that surrounds us where we live.
So there is my "looking at the bright side of things" attitude. As I told my SW, as long as he DOES come home, I will be happy. As I have said a couple times, this is a HUGE lesson in patience for me, one that may slightly lack any.patience.at.all.
So YAY for updates, YAY for a safe foster family, YAY for our HS update (boo for more $$, but it means we are getting there). YAY for fall, my favorite season. YAY for a beautiful, beautiful baby that one day will snuggle next to me on the couch while I write on here!
In the progress report it says there are MORE pictures taken at the foster home that they will be sending!! I am GIDDY! I am so in love with that sweet face, I just go gaga every time we get new pictures. And then I feel sad because I know it will be awhile til we get more, but this time it sounds like it might be sooner than normal! We also have the cameras sitting waiting to be mailed off. I now realize that he might not get this package until close to Christmas, so I might need to cram more in there!
So the progress report says some interesting things. I.E. things that tell me he is meant to be a C. He is still just barely walking, only a couple steps here and there. Well around here, the C children ALL waiting until after 12 months to walk, T waiting until 14 months (too lazy to be bothered)! 2nd, he is independent, and gets angry when his FM tries to help him. Well he and Buggy will certainly have that in common. Now T, as stated above, is happy for others to do for her (wait on her royalty really) but the others are all about independence. He like to sleep, 2 naps plus 9pm-6am...LIKE! And he can throw a good tantrum....Greeaaat. That is just what we need here, another tantrum thrower. Really, I love it! It means he does and will voice his opinion, and well the C family definitely all voice there opinion, ask anyone that knows us!
M isn't so little anymore. He is over 21 pounds! And boy that sweet, sweet face.
I have been asked a number of times from several people if we know when we will bring him home. That isn't an easy question to answer. I know he won't be home for Christmas (even though it is our only wish) and definitely not before the New Year. Our agency quotes "up to 14 months" after referral. Our referral went to Korea March 28th, that means May 28th--ish. I am hoping, wishing praying, pleading, begging that it is closer to 12 months, but realistically, 14 months. I respect that. He is worth the wait and, while I hate missing out on every second he isn't here, I know once he is home, the wait will be a distant memory. I hope that it will be much like childbirth, very painful, but once you have that sweet baby, you are willing to go through it again.
There are advantages to it still being many months away, and I try to focus on them when I am not pouting (see previous posts). S can actually get around to learning Korean, like he wants to. I can learn a couple words, which is about all I am capable of! He is safe, healthy and loved where he is, getting exposed to Korea and it's culture, so we will use this time to learn the same. T & my birthday is in May, so it would be an AMAZING birthday present to have him here, I get so excited thinking about that. If it is late May, he will be here in time for summer, which will be an easier time for both S and I to be off, T will be out of school, and we can enjoy the beautiful outdoors that surrounds us where we live.
So there is my "looking at the bright side of things" attitude. As I told my SW, as long as he DOES come home, I will be happy. As I have said a couple times, this is a HUGE lesson in patience for me, one that may slightly lack any.patience.at.all.
So YAY for updates, YAY for a safe foster family, YAY for our HS update (boo for more $$, but it means we are getting there). YAY for fall, my favorite season. YAY for a beautiful, beautiful baby that one day will snuggle next to me on the couch while I write on here!
Friday, October 14, 2011
October 15th
Please take some time to participate and remember.
I have not experienced a loss personally, but know many who have, and to them my thoughts.
Please take some time to participate and remember.
I have not experienced a loss personally, but know many who have, and to them my thoughts.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Patience. I have none. This week we were contacted by our agency that it is time to get ready for our homestudy update. That means we have been approved for almost a year. And it is frustrating to know that we have many more months of waiting to go. I want to go get our boy, sooner rather than later. I want to know his personality.
We get very limited info in the few updates we have gotten. I know that it isn't any one person's fault, and I know I should be grateful for the info we do have. I bet I sound bratty, and I can own that. This is hard. I saw another blog yesterday and was thrilled to see that family had received many, many pictures of their little guy, and some videos. I know that means so much to waiting parents. It made me think. Is M getting the same love and attention that this little guy was obviously getting. I have noticed some things in the little info we have gotten that has made me ask some questions about M and his "development." I don't feel like we have gotten satisfactory answers so far, and maybe there aren't any until we meet him, but it does cause me pause. Not huge pause, but still a nagging thought, concern, question. I may be wrong but I can't help but think more info, pictures, maybe a video could shed some light and help put me at ease.
Patience...adoption is definitely a practice in patience. Oh which, if you know me you know, I have NONE. Grrrr.
M we love you, and I hope one day we will all look back on these posts and laugh, for now I will be practicing my patience.
We get very limited info in the few updates we have gotten. I know that it isn't any one person's fault, and I know I should be grateful for the info we do have. I bet I sound bratty, and I can own that. This is hard. I saw another blog yesterday and was thrilled to see that family had received many, many pictures of their little guy, and some videos. I know that means so much to waiting parents. It made me think. Is M getting the same love and attention that this little guy was obviously getting. I have noticed some things in the little info we have gotten that has made me ask some questions about M and his "development." I don't feel like we have gotten satisfactory answers so far, and maybe there aren't any until we meet him, but it does cause me pause. Not huge pause, but still a nagging thought, concern, question. I may be wrong but I can't help but think more info, pictures, maybe a video could shed some light and help put me at ease.
Patience...adoption is definitely a practice in patience. Oh which, if you know me you know, I have NONE. Grrrr.
M we love you, and I hope one day we will all look back on these posts and laugh, for now I will be practicing my patience.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
A blog post
I want to post everyday. But I don't, and this past week has been even worse than normal. It is more like a once a week post, especially because I don't have anything worth while to say.
The last 2 weeks have been hard, really hard. I started a new job last week, which was bittersweet. Still working with the same population, but in a different capacity. It definitely has pluses and minuses, but I am sure it is a good move. Amongst all of that, someone very dear to me experienced something nobody, no body should ever have to. I dropped everything to be there with her, for her, and I hope I was in some way supportive to her. What I know now is that my friend, J, is one of the strongest people I know. I have 2 of these such amazingly strong friends, of which I count both as blessings, but I wish they did not have to experience the things they did to show their strength. I just have no words about them, amazing wonderful people.
So this post is for them, their spouses and angels...you are amazing people and I am honored to call you my friends.
I hope to post again sooner than a week, but for now, to my friends, I love you.
The last 2 weeks have been hard, really hard. I started a new job last week, which was bittersweet. Still working with the same population, but in a different capacity. It definitely has pluses and minuses, but I am sure it is a good move. Amongst all of that, someone very dear to me experienced something nobody, no body should ever have to. I dropped everything to be there with her, for her, and I hope I was in some way supportive to her. What I know now is that my friend, J, is one of the strongest people I know. I have 2 of these such amazingly strong friends, of which I count both as blessings, but I wish they did not have to experience the things they did to show their strength. I just have no words about them, amazing wonderful people.
So this post is for them, their spouses and angels...you are amazing people and I am honored to call you my friends.
I hope to post again sooner than a week, but for now, to my friends, I love you.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
My Superhero
Okay, So I've been guilted into posting although there is college football on and she knows I would almost always choose football over any technology or social media type activity. It is unfortunate that she also reads this because she should not be allowed the quiet (probably not) and likely smug satisfaction of knowing that she is a better parent than I am.
T had to leave town on fairly short notice for the past two days to be with a very dear friend of ours for whom we will always be there without question. I'm great with that every time. What I'm not so great with is trying to play rodeo clown to the wild bucking broncos currently living under my roof when the Ringmaster is gone. I have no idea what it is that happens to them, I can only hope the same happens to every other dad when moms leave town so I don't feel so bad about it happening here. They turn into MONSTERS. The evil kind from bad 80's horror flicks. Brain eating, head spinning, pea soup spewing maniacs. I love them through thick and thin, but man I SUCK at being the single parent. I cannot do what she does, and when she says in that smart ass voice to me, " You know, I do that every morning dear" I kinda sorta want to shake her. Problem is, she's right. She does it with the crazy morning routine every day. She is who they ALL want when they are upset, when they've lost their favorite lovie, when the rings of Saturn are out of alignment with the San Andreas fault. Always. They want her because she is a rock star and can always do it. I just can't convince her to wear the cape and super cool colored underwear over her clothes.
Don't get me wrong. I don't feel like I'm the worst parent ever, and I love my children to a fault. I just don't seem to have the knack for keeping this place together like she does. I'm just the a$%^ole that comes home and makes them clean up toys.
On other fronts:
Our annoying borth country is truly pissing me off with their changing guidelines and programs. I'm starting to believe this is all some kind of joke, but I'm not laughing and apparently these people somehow never got word of what I turn into when I get angry. They won't like me when I'm angry. I want my little boy home, and we get sparse amounts of information which does not help. One may thing that knowing less would make the longing less but it doesn't. Gimmee now! I suppose getting it out "on paper" so to speak is nice but I'm kinda tired of being nice to be sure. I'm just glad I have my own in home superhero to keep up with all of the things she does and to follow up on the information that comes our way. I just get annoyed and want to hulk-smash things when I hear we may be getting screwed again and she takes the time to sort out the idiotic rumors from the idiotic truth. I knew there was a reason I kept her around.
T had to leave town on fairly short notice for the past two days to be with a very dear friend of ours for whom we will always be there without question. I'm great with that every time. What I'm not so great with is trying to play rodeo clown to the wild bucking broncos currently living under my roof when the Ringmaster is gone. I have no idea what it is that happens to them, I can only hope the same happens to every other dad when moms leave town so I don't feel so bad about it happening here. They turn into MONSTERS. The evil kind from bad 80's horror flicks. Brain eating, head spinning, pea soup spewing maniacs. I love them through thick and thin, but man I SUCK at being the single parent. I cannot do what she does, and when she says in that smart ass voice to me, " You know, I do that every morning dear" I kinda sorta want to shake her. Problem is, she's right. She does it with the crazy morning routine every day. She is who they ALL want when they are upset, when they've lost their favorite lovie, when the rings of Saturn are out of alignment with the San Andreas fault. Always. They want her because she is a rock star and can always do it. I just can't convince her to wear the cape and super cool colored underwear over her clothes.
Don't get me wrong. I don't feel like I'm the worst parent ever, and I love my children to a fault. I just don't seem to have the knack for keeping this place together like she does. I'm just the a$%^ole that comes home and makes them clean up toys.
On other fronts:
Our annoying borth country is truly pissing me off with their changing guidelines and programs. I'm starting to believe this is all some kind of joke, but I'm not laughing and apparently these people somehow never got word of what I turn into when I get angry. They won't like me when I'm angry. I want my little boy home, and we get sparse amounts of information which does not help. One may thing that knowing less would make the longing less but it doesn't. Gimmee now! I suppose getting it out "on paper" so to speak is nice but I'm kinda tired of being nice to be sure. I'm just glad I have my own in home superhero to keep up with all of the things she does and to follow up on the information that comes our way. I just get annoyed and want to hulk-smash things when I hear we may be getting screwed again and she takes the time to sort out the idiotic rumors from the idiotic truth. I knew there was a reason I kept her around.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
A Buggy Post
Tonight a bit of a guest blogger! D aka "baby D", "Buggy" or "the Doodle" is saddled up next to me hoping to assist by sharing her words of wisdom. See, today D, did NOT nap, against my advice, efforts and excessive prayers. Fast forward several hours and she is whiny and crying and saying "I'm tired!". DUH, you gotta nap. So several hours later she took a nap and got up at 7pm. Hence, the episode of insomnia, although she is still quite whiny.
The Buggy has had a pretty crazy week. She has been in preschool (daycare, but we would never call it that to her)and let's just say it hasn't been the easiest transition. Then she got bit by a classmate, which she shares her battle wound with anyone that will give her 30seconds to.
But the good part is she finally seems to understand that white porcelain thing with the water in it!!! Now, preschool gets all the credit, they offered her a gummy bear and the rest is history. We are far from cotton undergarments, but boy I am excited to be headed that way. Sometimes I think as smart as my children, are they would/will NEVER POTTY TRAIN. Buggy seems to be advanced for a C because she is not even 2 1/2, the other have liked to be 3 or beyond!
Ok, after 5 consecutive minutes of whining here she is:
qqqqww. aassssdssdd. VvCvbnm,.ik
---//::;/;();)]\_\\qqqqwwe. 'h,1213324446778908
I know, I know she's a genius. She thanks you for your time and attention, and now I will attempt to get her to bed! Wish me luck, I will need it.
Ps in our wait world, we got some pics from M's dol via emailand were told they would be coming in the mail. They haven't yet and it has been more than a week, I hope they aren't lostin the mail. I am eagerly awaiting what the decision to prioritize the Korean heritage programs will mean for our wait. I surely hope it won't be bad news.
The Buggy has had a pretty crazy week. She has been in preschool (daycare, but we would never call it that to her)and let's just say it hasn't been the easiest transition. Then she got bit by a classmate, which she shares her battle wound with anyone that will give her 30seconds to.
But the good part is she finally seems to understand that white porcelain thing with the water in it!!! Now, preschool gets all the credit, they offered her a gummy bear and the rest is history. We are far from cotton undergarments, but boy I am excited to be headed that way. Sometimes I think as smart as my children, are they would/will NEVER POTTY TRAIN. Buggy seems to be advanced for a C because she is not even 2 1/2, the other have liked to be 3 or beyond!
Ok, after 5 consecutive minutes of whining here she is:
qqqqww. aassssdssdd. VvCvbnm,.ik
---//::;/;();)]\_\\qqqqwwe. 'h,1213324446778908
I know, I know she's a genius. She thanks you for your time and attention, and now I will attempt to get her to bed! Wish me luck, I will need it.
Ps in our wait world, we got some pics from M's dol via emailand were told they would be coming in the mail. They haven't yet and it has been more than a week, I hope they aren't lostin the mail. I am eagerly awaiting what the decision to prioritize the Korean heritage programs will mean for our wait. I surely hope it won't be bad news.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Happy 1st Birthday M!!!
Well, yesterday marked M's first birthday. Of course, he is 13 hours ahead of us, so by the time we were celebrating his birthday was over in Korea. We received an email update, the 1st one yet to tell us about M's development. He isn't walking yet, and is a pretty small guy at just over 19lbs and 28 inches, seems he is already fitting into the ways of the C family. He did receive at least one of our packages and it sounded like he was at somewhat amused by the car we sent. Now, we have sent a car in both packages, so I wonder which one he got....the noisy dump truck or the noisier Lightning McQueen. Either way I am glad that he has something that we have also put our hands on. It helps me feel a little closer to him. We had some cake and talked a lot about M this weekend. I cannot wait until next year when we can celebrate together. Our dear friend came to visit for S's birthday which was Thursday and brought her son, C, along. C is 9 days older than M, so I enjoyed some 1 year old life with C, constantly thinking that he & M are so close in age. I look forward to the days when those two can play together.
We enjoyed a great day with some old friends and some neighbors and I did a pretty good job of not feeling sad that M wasn't with us. I know he is being loved and well cared for, and while I wish he could be here with us, it is comforting to know where he is safe, loving and for him home. Certainly, we will have many a birthday to celebrate with him, and well he is barely aware we exist.
Tomorrow is a big day here. P & D head off to preschool/daycare and Tuesday T starts the 1st grade. Summer is coming to an end which is OK, because now comes fall and football, things we love here!
We enjoyed a great day with some old friends and some neighbors and I did a pretty good job of not feeling sad that M wasn't with us. I know he is being loved and well cared for, and while I wish he could be here with us, it is comforting to know where he is safe, loving and for him home. Certainly, we will have many a birthday to celebrate with him, and well he is barely aware we exist.
Tomorrow is a big day here. P & D head off to preschool/daycare and Tuesday T starts the 1st grade. Summer is coming to an end which is OK, because now comes fall and football, things we love here!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Back from Texas!
I spent last week in Texas at a conference. Before I talk about the insane heat of Texas, I would just like to reference my last post. That day I had a really bad migraine and took something "stronger" to help my pain. Then I wrote that. I have gone back and read it and realized I had no recollection of writing that. It seems I can be quite philosophical when I am not thinking.
Moving on...So, I went to a training conference in Texas. The temperature was between 106-109 all week. Needless to say, I was grateful for the skywalk between my hotel and the conference. That was ridiculous heat! I got the kids some shirts at my conference. I won't say cute is the best description, but I did want to support this mission, and I feel strongly about the message. P was kind enough to model for me.
So glad to back home after my trip. I am off work this week to enjoy the last week of summer before T heads off to first grade. It is hard to believe that I have a 1st grader, let alone that P is in pre-school starting Monday and Baby MR (as he is affectionately called about here) is going to be 1 on Saturday!! We mailed off our second package and it sounds like our first package has just arrived at ESWS last week. Baby MR is going to feel very spoiled with 2 packages!!
Today we went to visit the new preschool/daycare P & D will be attending. But before we went, I took the kiddos out to a local park to try to get some new pictures. I have a GREAT photographer (who also designed my blog) but she is a busy, busy lady. I will be guilting begging her to schedule some fall pics for the C clan, to include the adults and my adorable 3 legged dog, but for now I think I did a pretty good job! Here are a couple of shots. I must say it helps to have such beautiful subjects. I believe today I photographed 3 of the 4 most adorable children on the planet. I am looking forward to this time next year when I will have all 4 together for pictures.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Still here....and a soapbox chat
Shame on me, I disappeared for a bit. Things have been busy. S was out of town at training this week, work has been busy and overwhelming. The big kids, T & P, went to visit GG and are on their way home now. I am leaving Saturday for a training in Dallas. Whew, I feel tired typing it.
In other news though, we sent another package to M in hopes that it will make it in time for his birthday, August 20th. I tried my hand at a bit of Hangul in a card included in the package. It made me happy to step a little further into his culture, his world.
Time is moving and I am grateful for that, and at the same time sad. I know that with each passing day we are closer to meeting him. It also means another day and maybe a milestone we are missing. I try to not rush the time, because it is time in the lives of all of our children, and I want to cherish it. I am excited to hear another update when his birthday comes. I am still obsessively checking my email everyday hoping for any word and love to see the names of the social worker in my inbox.
I have been following some info about EP's currently and feeling so sad for families that are caught in that. I keep reading and following and send my prayers that their wait ends soon.
OK, now a little off topic soapbox...
The work I do is intense and important. I work with a very specific population of crime victims. I unfortunately see some of the worst of humankind and it is hard. It has made me realize that you never know the path someone has walked, where they have come from and where they wish they could be. It also made me realize how lucky I am to have been chosen to be a parent. The gift of parenthood is precious, and some people take it for granted. I wish I could shout from the mountain tops to "be kind, love those around you. Appreciate and respect the beautiful gifts in your lives that are other people."
I am working hard to have no doubt in myself and just give all I can give and do the best I can. I want to do big things and leave a good imprint on the world around me. I feel good about the journey I am taking and where I think it is leading.
I hope you are too.
In other news though, we sent another package to M in hopes that it will make it in time for his birthday, August 20th. I tried my hand at a bit of Hangul in a card included in the package. It made me happy to step a little further into his culture, his world.
Time is moving and I am grateful for that, and at the same time sad. I know that with each passing day we are closer to meeting him. It also means another day and maybe a milestone we are missing. I try to not rush the time, because it is time in the lives of all of our children, and I want to cherish it. I am excited to hear another update when his birthday comes. I am still obsessively checking my email everyday hoping for any word and love to see the names of the social worker in my inbox.
I have been following some info about EP's currently and feeling so sad for families that are caught in that. I keep reading and following and send my prayers that their wait ends soon.
OK, now a little off topic soapbox...
The work I do is intense and important. I work with a very specific population of crime victims. I unfortunately see some of the worst of humankind and it is hard. It has made me realize that you never know the path someone has walked, where they have come from and where they wish they could be. It also made me realize how lucky I am to have been chosen to be a parent. The gift of parenthood is precious, and some people take it for granted. I wish I could shout from the mountain tops to "be kind, love those around you. Appreciate and respect the beautiful gifts in your lives that are other people."
I am working hard to have no doubt in myself and just give all I can give and do the best I can. I want to do big things and leave a good imprint on the world around me. I feel good about the journey I am taking and where I think it is leading.
I hope you are too.
Monday, July 25, 2011
New pics!! & Korean food!
So the sweet little cherubs returned unscathed (minus some bug bites) from a week with the grandparents. Not sure I can say the same for the ole grandparents, but hey keeps you young, right Mom????
And in other news, we got some new pictures. They could not have been better timed. In fact, the morning we got them, I had been talking (read: whining) about how it had been a month, he should be going in for his WBC, blah, blah, blah... We got 4 new pictures and of course he is even more adorable (if that is possible). Unfortunately, he wasn't looking at the camera in any of them. And, in what we think is a coincident, he is wearing the same shirt he was wearing last month. I can tell you he has lovely, long toes and loves a pacifier. We went shopping for his upcoming birthday package and bought him several outfits! I learned that his first package hasn't made it to him yet, I sure hope that outfit will fit him at all!
The big kiddos are going back to the grandparents for a bit this weekend, so S, D & I are thinking we might try to eat some Korean food. See, there isn't too much in the way of diverse cuisine in our area, but my parents don't live to far from a, well, rather large area, with lots of FOOD options! So in a slightly bizarre move, I reached out to another blogger I have gained some great info/knowledge/etc from to ask her recommendation, because she is familiar with that area. So, "wise blogger" if you are reading: Please don't think I am a weirdo stalker!!
Not too much summer left, and we are planning an event to celebrate HM's 1st birthday although he won't be here. I am wondering if anyone has any Korean birthday traditions we could incorporate, knowing the birthday boy won't be there!?!?!
Night all!
And in other news, we got some new pictures. They could not have been better timed. In fact, the morning we got them, I had been talking (read: whining) about how it had been a month, he should be going in for his WBC, blah, blah, blah... We got 4 new pictures and of course he is even more adorable (if that is possible). Unfortunately, he wasn't looking at the camera in any of them. And, in what we think is a coincident, he is wearing the same shirt he was wearing last month. I can tell you he has lovely, long toes and loves a pacifier. We went shopping for his upcoming birthday package and bought him several outfits! I learned that his first package hasn't made it to him yet, I sure hope that outfit will fit him at all!
The big kiddos are going back to the grandparents for a bit this weekend, so S, D & I are thinking we might try to eat some Korean food. See, there isn't too much in the way of diverse cuisine in our area, but my parents don't live to far from a, well, rather large area, with lots of FOOD options! So in a slightly bizarre move, I reached out to another blogger I have gained some great info/knowledge/etc from to ask her recommendation, because she is familiar with that area. So, "wise blogger" if you are reading: Please don't think I am a weirdo stalker!!
Not too much summer left, and we are planning an event to celebrate HM's 1st birthday although he won't be here. I am wondering if anyone has any Korean birthday traditions we could incorporate, knowing the birthday boy won't be there!?!?!
Night all!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Quiet around here
Saturday the cherubs went to stay with G.G. & P-pa. They will be there all week. Man, it is Q U I E T here! I have been mostly alone all day as S constructs stairs for our deck. Just me and the animals, staying inside and staying cool. I have caught up on some shows, read some blogs and even baked something! I know that last part is hard to believe, but really I did...banana blueberry bread. Not sure yet how it will taste, but it smells good. I have been thinking a lot about H and how much longer we will wait until he can come home. I have been reading a lot of other blogs of families with children from Korea. Some are waiting and some have come home. It helps to know there are other people waiting too, although I feel sad for all of them also. And it definitely helps to read about families that have recently come home, their adjustments and joys. I also keep thinking of H's birth mother. Next week will make 11 months that he has graced this earth. I hope she finds comfort each day, and I long for the day that we may know her and thank her, and share H with her.
Speaking of H, I struggle with what I want to call him. We picked a name for him, and I like it. The thing is there is nothing wrong with his given name, and we are keeping it. Part of me feels like we shouldn't add to his name and part of me wants to be part in choosing it. I don't know. I like the flow of the names all together, but I am just not sure what I will call him everyday. Maybe I will call him his Korean name, I like it. I hear that from a lot of people, that his Korean name is unique and "cool." All of our children have unique names, so why does he need an "Americanized" name anyway??? I know we have lots of time, but every time I refer to him as "H" it seems odd. He is M now, not H. Just my thoughts.
I hope this will be a good week. Dieka is doing well, and I think she is feeling very little pain now which is all I care about. She is still very hesitant to cross that invisible fence, although it is unplugged and she is usually wearing no collar. So I think it is GREAT that I get to be the kind person that is dragging a 3 legged dog around the house, so she can go potty. I'm sure my neighbors think I am the cruelest person in the world!!!! lovely!!!
Speaking of H, I struggle with what I want to call him. We picked a name for him, and I like it. The thing is there is nothing wrong with his given name, and we are keeping it. Part of me feels like we shouldn't add to his name and part of me wants to be part in choosing it. I don't know. I like the flow of the names all together, but I am just not sure what I will call him everyday. Maybe I will call him his Korean name, I like it. I hear that from a lot of people, that his Korean name is unique and "cool." All of our children have unique names, so why does he need an "Americanized" name anyway??? I know we have lots of time, but every time I refer to him as "H" it seems odd. He is M now, not H. Just my thoughts.
I hope this will be a good week. Dieka is doing well, and I think she is feeling very little pain now which is all I care about. She is still very hesitant to cross that invisible fence, although it is unplugged and she is usually wearing no collar. So I think it is GREAT that I get to be the kind person that is dragging a 3 legged dog around the house, so she can go potty. I'm sure my neighbors think I am the cruelest person in the world!!!! lovely!!!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
We gained 4 feet & now we are losing 1
It has been a rollercoaster of a week. Last Tuesday, T got a kitten. She named him Sebastian (no Little Mermaid influence here). She actually wanted to name him Buttercup, but if you notice his picture, it isn't exactly a matching name. Anyway, I suggested something from a favorite show or movie, and Sebastian stuck. He is from the SPCA, and actually quite sweet.
That is where the good story ends.
We noticed this past weekend that our dog, Dieka, had a swollen wrist. Based on her age and breed we felt confident this was more than a sprain. Today at the vet, my fears were confirmed...cancer, bone cancer. Those that know me know I regularly comment about Dieka's age and how little time she has left. Really, that was me trying to prepare myself for a day like today. But when it came, I feel no more prepared. Dieka is a special girl. She is OBNOXIOUS, and all that have been to my house know that. BUT, she is definitely a great part of the C family. She was a gift from me to S our first Christmas together, which makes her even more special. She is a menace at times, getting in the trash, on the counter, barking at leaves blowing by at 6am. And I am not done with those annoying things. So, although we are trying to save our money for a certain trip to Korea next spring, this Thursday Dieka will undergo surgery to amputate her leg, in hopes of giving her more time to be a menace. Tonight, we will explain it to the kids, and it makes me sad that they will experience this and the eventual lost, but I know that is part of growing up.
So, I am hoping things go well on Thursday (and maybe hoping that she will won't be able to get on the counter anymore).
We love you Dieka!
In other news, we have applied for our i-600 I think, and are looking forward to celebrating a little someone's 11 month birthday next week. Time is flying, and at the same time moving at a snail's pace. I am hoping to get an undate soon, maybe even a video!?!?!?!
That is where the good story ends.
Sebastian |
For good measure, here is Mayor Quimby, so he isn't left out. |
We noticed this past weekend that our dog, Dieka, had a swollen wrist. Based on her age and breed we felt confident this was more than a sprain. Today at the vet, my fears were confirmed...cancer, bone cancer. Those that know me know I regularly comment about Dieka's age and how little time she has left. Really, that was me trying to prepare myself for a day like today. But when it came, I feel no more prepared. Dieka is a special girl. She is OBNOXIOUS, and all that have been to my house know that. BUT, she is definitely a great part of the C family. She was a gift from me to S our first Christmas together, which makes her even more special. She is a menace at times, getting in the trash, on the counter, barking at leaves blowing by at 6am. And I am not done with those annoying things. So, although we are trying to save our money for a certain trip to Korea next spring, this Thursday Dieka will undergo surgery to amputate her leg, in hopes of giving her more time to be a menace. Tonight, we will explain it to the kids, and it makes me sad that they will experience this and the eventual lost, but I know that is part of growing up.
So, I am hoping things go well on Thursday (and maybe hoping that she will won't be able to get on the counter anymore).
We love you Dieka!
In other news, we have applied for our i-600 I think, and are looking forward to celebrating a little someone's 11 month birthday next week. Time is flying, and at the same time moving at a snail's pace. I am hoping to get an undate soon, maybe even a video!?!?!?!
Monday, July 4, 2011
A great weekend
Ok, so the last picture is actually from Father's day, but I think it is such a great representation of the family. We had a great weekend. There were S'mores and burgers, birthday cake and great company. Some minor inconveniences popped up here and there, but all in all it was a good time for all. We were lucky to get to celebrate the birthday of a super sweet 3 year old and see some great friends that we adore and don't see enough. Of course, we also got to see friends we adore and see all the time, WIN WIN!!
P received his first REAL golf club and went to the driving range for the 1st time Sunday. He got a quick lesson from our friend B, and off he went.
We have made it to July, which in some ways has come so quickly and at the same time has taken forever. We have begun planning our celebration for H's birthday, which just happens to be 2 days after S's birthday, so celebrate we will!!
I think it is about time for us to start putting together another care package to sent off to H in time for is birthday.
Friday, June 24, 2011
It came!! Well let me back up. Monday I received a call from the supervisor I had left a message for on Friday. I can only say: no one has ever made me as happy as he did in that short phone call. He basically said there was a misunderstanding and our paperwork could be processed as normal. So today, a week after I received the letter "requesting more evidence" or I-171H arrived!!! Great way to start the weekend. That is one more thing completed.
I also mailed H's package out on Monday, so hopefully he will be receiving that stuff soon. I am already starting to think about his next package and what we can send him for his birthday.
Any ideas?
I also mailed H's package out on Monday, so hopefully he will be receiving that stuff soon. I am already starting to think about his next package and what we can send him for his birthday.
Any ideas?
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Emotional Rollercoaster
Sorry I fell off the face of the earth for almost 2 weeks, shame on me! I really want to be diligent and post at least once a week. I have no excuse other than lazy. I would mean to post, then end up waiting until I was just too late to offer anything coherent.
Anyway, yesterday was exhausting. We got a letter from the fabulous Immigration agency, you know.... It stated that they needed more "evidence" because our daycare provider comes to our home. She does.not however live here. I tried calling my social worker who kindly said there must be some confusion, she has never heard of this, then the officer at said government agency...who let's say wasn't that helpful. Now, I have found the people there to be quite pleasant the couple times I have called, but not so much this time. So I determined that we will likely have to ask our childcare provider to submit to a background check, driving 2+ hours to get fingerprinted, and interview with our social worker, and medical exam. I hope she is willing, but what if she refuses?? I am reeling at what to do next. I have left a message for the "officers" supervisor in hopes of him seeing that this isn't a requirement for I-600a approval, but I am not optimistic.
BUT after all of that, I opened my email to find an UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
H is HUGE, bigger than the rest of the C kids at 9 months. He is almost 19lbs, which T & P weren't until a year old. He is similar in size to "baby D" Not sure if the outfit I got him, will fit, at least not for long. He is ADORABLE, & I am even more in love today than yesterday. He is truly so precious. 1 picture they sent he is definitely over the photo-op, and he is still just the cutest little guy!
I wish I could share his picture, you guys are so missing out on such a cutie, but I have looked at it enough times for the entire population of the world!
We will send his package next week, and maybe plan for size 18 months sooner rather than later. We will also figure out all this paperwork garbage and do whatever we have to to get our approval. This is one of those times that the long wait is beneficial, at least no time crunch.
H-We love you! Happy early 10month Birthday. I am going to hope a pray for good news on Monday from the immigration supervisor. Boy, next spring can't come soon enough.
Anyway, yesterday was exhausting. We got a letter from the fabulous Immigration agency, you know.... It stated that they needed more "evidence" because our daycare provider comes to our home. She does.not however live here. I tried calling my social worker who kindly said there must be some confusion, she has never heard of this, then the officer at said government agency...who let's say wasn't that helpful. Now, I have found the people there to be quite pleasant the couple times I have called, but not so much this time. So I determined that we will likely have to ask our childcare provider to submit to a background check, driving 2+ hours to get fingerprinted, and interview with our social worker, and medical exam. I hope she is willing, but what if she refuses?? I am reeling at what to do next. I have left a message for the "officers" supervisor in hopes of him seeing that this isn't a requirement for I-600a approval, but I am not optimistic.
BUT after all of that, I opened my email to find an UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
H is HUGE, bigger than the rest of the C kids at 9 months. He is almost 19lbs, which T & P weren't until a year old. He is similar in size to "baby D" Not sure if the outfit I got him, will fit, at least not for long. He is ADORABLE, & I am even more in love today than yesterday. He is truly so precious. 1 picture they sent he is definitely over the photo-op, and he is still just the cutest little guy!
I wish I could share his picture, you guys are so missing out on such a cutie, but I have looked at it enough times for the entire population of the world!
We will send his package next week, and maybe plan for size 18 months sooner rather than later. We will also figure out all this paperwork garbage and do whatever we have to to get our approval. This is one of those times that the long wait is beneficial, at least no time crunch.
H-We love you! Happy early 10month Birthday. I am going to hope a pray for good news on Monday from the immigration supervisor. Boy, next spring can't come soon enough.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Passing the time...
We have a paperchain to help the kids with the countdown to H, but with the recent unknowns about time frames, I am hesitant to let them remove the links, for fear that I will have to explain when the links are gone and H isn’t here. I have thinking a lot this morning about passing the time and our wait to bring H home. Of course, now I forget (maybe because Backyardigans is playing, and distracting me!) Hopefully as I write my thought will come back.
It makes me sad that hours pass without H being in the forefront of my mind. It seems wrong. At the same time I find it odd that the feeling I have is missing him. Can you miss someone you have never met? Is that the right word? I don’t know that it is, but I miss him. I am sad when I look in the back of my vehicle where his car seat will go. I am sad that I don’t know what size clothes he wears, whether he can crawl, if he is babbling. I know nothing about him & I miss him. I guess I miss the hypothetical him. The him that I imagine he is. But, I really don’t know him, so well, it is just a strange emotion/feeling.
S gives me a hard time because he says I have read the entire internet twice! I admit it, I am online A LOT. I feel like I am constantly searching for a better connection to my Asian boy. I read blogs, and am on Yahoo groups, forums, you name it. I want to feel through others that are already united with their child. How are they doing? Is he/she adjusting quickly, slowly? What things helped? Something to help me feel more connected to H.
I have a million questions and no answers. I am someone who is impatient and somewhat control oriented. Boy, is this a challenge! I remember my social worker telling me the wait would be hard, and I knew it would, but WHEW! That is all I can say.
I have the package ready to go to H, I just need to insert a letter for his foster family. Wow! What does one say to complete strangers who are nurturing and loving your child, who you have never met??? Thank you doesn’t seem adequate. I am struggling a bit with it, but I need to get it done, the end. I hardly want them to think we haven’t been thinking of H or them.
Today I went to B&N with T to use a gift card and buy her a book that I read as a young girl. While waiting to check out, I saw this:
I opened it and glanced inside and teared up. I want this book for H, well really for all of my kids, to read and see families that are made up of people who might not all look the same, but still are family. I realize though that H is not looking for a family, in fact he is innocently unaware of us, or his need for a family. I have recently read some interesting points of view about this. Adoption is selfish, I know that. I realize that H hasn't asked for any of this, and with his adoption will come challenges of giving him equal parts of his history and culture, while still being part of the C clan. I feel sad for being selfish and at the same time I don't. I want the culture to become part of me, for us all to share and learn and enjoy the heritage and culture of H's birthcountry. I don't know what would have happened if we weren't adopting H, maybe another family would have called him part of their clan. Would he have been adopted in his birthcountry? I have gotten conflicting messages as to whether or not that would be likely. If he weren't adopted, what would happen? Would he age out of foster care, like children un teh US do? Would he be institutionalized, group home? I don't know. What I know is that adoption is something I have always felt in my heart as part of me. I was a "thrid culture kid" and maybe that is why. I don't know, it doesn't matter to me. What matters is this isn't just an adoption now. This is H joining this family, and us joining his journey in life. I look forward to it, with all the unknowns that are.
So I continue to search the internet, gain knowledge, hope for answers and guidance. I look at the paperchain hanging on the wall and wait. One thing is for sure, it will be a long wait. I hope when the time comes I will have learned more, more language, more cuisine, more culture.
Tonight we cook our first Korean dinner, pulgogi. Wish me luck, (I mean S, I don't cook!!!) And I plan to put more pics on this blog, who wants to just read what we have to say....NO ONE. You want to see cuteness too. I can't share the cuteness that is H (and believe me his is C-U-T-E) but here is a glimpse at the rest of the C cuteness:
Grateful for the cuteness I have a home to help me pass the time...
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
2-4-6. Wait, Six?!? What the hell!!!
Okay, so I'm a schmuck and don't update the blog very often. After enough "You're not going to do its" I don't know if I'm doing it because I finally have enough saved up to say or if I'm just tired of my wife judging me. I mean, does it mean I don't love my family just because I'm not giddy about blabbing every single night to the the six people in the world who read this and know us. Whadevah. See!! while I'm writing she even told me I'm a schmuck.
Little D is sick. Again. Again. Again. I swear if I go the rest of my entire life and never ever hear the words "ear infection" again I will, well, I just won't be hearing those words but you get my drift. She is a trooper however and was running around the driveway playing Bocce ball and barking orders at the others and giggling at her brother and sister as well as the neighbors' kids while they ran around through the wacky sprinkler like little cracked out monkeys.
The time waiting to travel is not moving very fast and I am losing my patience. Well, I didn't really have any to begin with, but now I have any less. They won't take him from me just because of the nasty vibes I'm sending the home country's government will they? Grrrrr. We did finally get the mother in law to finish one of the gifts to go in little H's care package and we are ready to send that off to him. I hope he likes it and doesn't throw the stuff down thinking "what kind of crap are these losers sending me? I mean, who likes toy trucks anyway?"
Six. I swear she was just born last week. On the way home from school today T said in her sweetest (still not that sweet anymore) voice, "Daddy, I don't want to go to first grade because I want to have Mrs. B. again next year." Well I had to 'splain how that was not possible, especially considering that her saint of a kindergarten teacher is retiring and will most certainly not be anyone's teacher next year. But the part about her not going to 1st grade, I'm right there with ya babe. SLOW DOWN.
We had at least three hundred other 3-6 year olds over for the birthday party. Next time I will just take a bath in pig's blood Carrie style and jump into a tiger cage at the zoo, or perhaps a shark tanl. Either one would be less painful and certainly less interminable. The little professor enjoyed it though which is all that mattered. If anyone is shopping for any princess Barbies of any kind and finds the shelves empty any time soon, don't fret, they're all at my house (at least until I can find a way to "accidentally" give them away).
Well, at least the Sox have clawed back to being tied for first in the East and that's something to be happy about coming into the June swoon. 'Course we're gonna suck again until the middle of July. At least I can hope until then that they will still be around in October. I know the Mrs. doesn't really care about baseball and would rather me not yap about it in the blog, but since she isn't writing tonight, it's not really her say.
It's HOT here already. I truly feel sorry for those idiots living in the swampy south right now, but I suppose to each their own. I hate summer because I don't like mopping up my skin as it melts from my bones, but I must admit that the feeling of the early summer sun as I walk out in the afternoon does remind me that it is vacation time. For everyone else. Those of us planning to travel to places distant and foreign to retrieve sweet little cherubs don't really have that luxury. We are trying to find something to do because the aforementioned monkeys do deserve something. Banana farm perhaps? We'll see.
Little D is sick. Again. Again. Again. I swear if I go the rest of my entire life and never ever hear the words "ear infection" again I will, well, I just won't be hearing those words but you get my drift. She is a trooper however and was running around the driveway playing Bocce ball and barking orders at the others and giggling at her brother and sister as well as the neighbors' kids while they ran around through the wacky sprinkler like little cracked out monkeys.
The time waiting to travel is not moving very fast and I am losing my patience. Well, I didn't really have any to begin with, but now I have any less. They won't take him from me just because of the nasty vibes I'm sending the home country's government will they? Grrrrr. We did finally get the mother in law to finish one of the gifts to go in little H's care package and we are ready to send that off to him. I hope he likes it and doesn't throw the stuff down thinking "what kind of crap are these losers sending me? I mean, who likes toy trucks anyway?"
Six. I swear she was just born last week. On the way home from school today T said in her sweetest (still not that sweet anymore) voice, "Daddy, I don't want to go to first grade because I want to have Mrs. B. again next year." Well I had to 'splain how that was not possible, especially considering that her saint of a kindergarten teacher is retiring and will most certainly not be anyone's teacher next year. But the part about her not going to 1st grade, I'm right there with ya babe. SLOW DOWN.
We had at least three hundred other 3-6 year olds over for the birthday party. Next time I will just take a bath in pig's blood Carrie style and jump into a tiger cage at the zoo, or perhaps a shark tanl. Either one would be less painful and certainly less interminable. The little professor enjoyed it though which is all that mattered. If anyone is shopping for any princess Barbies of any kind and finds the shelves empty any time soon, don't fret, they're all at my house (at least until I can find a way to "accidentally" give them away).
Well, at least the Sox have clawed back to being tied for first in the East and that's something to be happy about coming into the June swoon. 'Course we're gonna suck again until the middle of July. At least I can hope until then that they will still be around in October. I know the Mrs. doesn't really care about baseball and would rather me not yap about it in the blog, but since she isn't writing tonight, it's not really her say.
It's HOT here already. I truly feel sorry for those idiots living in the swampy south right now, but I suppose to each their own. I hate summer because I don't like mopping up my skin as it melts from my bones, but I must admit that the feeling of the early summer sun as I walk out in the afternoon does remind me that it is vacation time. For everyone else. Those of us planning to travel to places distant and foreign to retrieve sweet little cherubs don't really have that luxury. We are trying to find something to do because the aforementioned monkeys do deserve something. Banana farm perhaps? We'll see.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Wowzers what a Weekend!
What a whirlwind weekend in our world. It started off on Thursday for me. I left work and headed to my mother's house to help her with a "project." We worked hard Thursday night and most of Friday, and then I left her house and headed home (a 2+ hour drive) to get ready for our first ever yardsale. Saturday started EARLY (after Friday ended LATE) and the yardsale experience was interesting. I am not sure what is a good outocome, but we did alright. It was a neighborhood yardsale, and my neighbors where kind enough to give us their leftovers for our next fundraiser that we already have planned. I was walking back home after speaking to the neighbor, carrying D with T walking along. As we crossed the street, I hurried T along and she walked right in front of me. And what happened????? I tripped, holding D and fell onto my knees, D flying out of my arms and landing on the pavement hitting the back of her head. It was horrible! No blood, but still, I threw her (not really) into the car and headed to the ER. 2.5 hours later & a CT scan, it was confirmed that D has a head as hard as her mother. THANK goodness for that! SO, we decided that what money we did make will likely go to our ER & Dr. copays. Lovely. On a side note, I LOVE our neighborhood, we have the best neighbors, and I never want to leave.
Today S build a garden box with the help of a different neighbor, while I recovered from being too tired and now sore. We got T & P moved around and they are officially roomies again, which makes them so happy. S is quite handy and built a loft bed for T, and P is situated perpendicular to his sister. Maybe I will actually get around to getting a picture!
I bought a couple things for H's first care package. All I am waiting on now HINT HINT is the most important part! Each of my children is blessed to have a special fabric photo album with all of their family printed on fabric and shown together is a perfect little plush book. H must have one too, there is only 1 problem...GG makes these, and well, she has progressively needed longer and longer to create one!!! (love ya Ma) So I figure, really if we wanted H to get said book before he came home, I likely should have mentioned it to her when we filled our pre-application out with our agency!! She has been putting a rush on it and putting all of the words in Hangul too, and I am quite grateful. I know H will love it, and he's a C already (even though he may not understand that) and that is part of the deal. So, as soon as that sweet book arrives, it will be off to Korea. Another week has passed and that is 1 closer to getting H home. Whew! I'm tired just talking about it. Time to sleep. Another busy week, with a luau celebration this coming weekend for T's birthday. I guess staying busy does help make time move quicker.
Today S build a garden box with the help of a different neighbor, while I recovered from being too tired and now sore. We got T & P moved around and they are officially roomies again, which makes them so happy. S is quite handy and built a loft bed for T, and P is situated perpendicular to his sister. Maybe I will actually get around to getting a picture!
I bought a couple things for H's first care package. All I am waiting on now HINT HINT is the most important part! Each of my children is blessed to have a special fabric photo album with all of their family printed on fabric and shown together is a perfect little plush book. H must have one too, there is only 1 problem...GG makes these, and well, she has progressively needed longer and longer to create one!!! (love ya Ma) So I figure, really if we wanted H to get said book before he came home, I likely should have mentioned it to her when we filled our pre-application out with our agency!! She has been putting a rush on it and putting all of the words in Hangul too, and I am quite grateful. I know H will love it, and he's a C already (even though he may not understand that) and that is part of the deal. So, as soon as that sweet book arrives, it will be off to Korea. Another week has passed and that is 1 closer to getting H home. Whew! I'm tired just talking about it. Time to sleep. Another busy week, with a luau celebration this coming weekend for T's birthday. I guess staying busy does help make time move quicker.
Friday, May 13, 2011
We got our first "update" about #6, to now be known as H. It was only pictures, but pictures is all.I.need! And so many pictures, so, so many pictures. You may remember about a month-ish ago, H was moved to a new foster home. I was so sad for him and his 1st foster mom. I had wondered what would come of the pics that were taken (if any) when he was with them. I know now...I HAVE THEM!!!!!! A huge stack of pics of H from what appears only 1-2 months old, through his 100 day celebration, and beyond! Plus, a new picture of him with his new fostermom. He has grown, and is even cuter, if that were possible. He got a haircut so no more crzay hair, which caused S some pause (not really). He still has fat cheeks and plump little lips, so adorable. There are some pictures with what appears to be his first foster dad, foster sister, foster mom and another baby, maybe a girl also placed in that house? I don't know, I would love to though, maybe she is matched with someone in the US.
I want so much to share H's picture, I mean he is SOOO cute, everyone should have a chance to see him, but our agency has asked us not to, and I understand.
Sorry for those of you who will have to wait to see him, but trust me, he is WORTH the wait!
I want so much to share H's picture, I mean he is SOOO cute, everyone should have a chance to see him, but our agency has asked us not to, and I understand.
Sorry for those of you who will have to wait to see him, but trust me, he is WORTH the wait!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Big accomplishments
S graduated this weekend, earning his Bachelors. This was no small feat, he began long before he knew me, or ever imagined having 3 (almost 4) children. Things didn't go quite as planned the first time around (read: too much fun, not enough studying!). Anyway, in 2006, he returned to the same school and started where he left off. Really, a lot of his previous classes didn't count, he had to get special permission to return so he basically started almost from scratch. I say this because 5 years later, he not only graduated with honors, but was asked to speak at commencement representing the "adult degree program." With all that we have going on from day to day, it is an understatement to say I am proud of him, he is amazing! Now, I know he is already eyeing a Master's, but I think our plate could use to be a little emptier for a little while!!
In other news, Happy Mother's day to all of those out there that fill the maternal role for someone (kid at home, one still being waited for, still incubating, or out and about on their own, etc). I won't say this was my best Mother's day, but I am greatful to be a mom and that is enough. I am thinking mostly of #6's birthmother today, and of those who are celebrating their first Mother's Day.
Happy Mother's day to my Mom and Mother in Law, I mean, you guys did contribute to the fabulousness that is S & I!!!
ps: A special thought for those of us who learned this weekend that our journey to our babies in S. Korea may be even more delayed...not the news one should receive, this weekend, or at all.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Cute kid quotes
Today was a long day. So you can imagine how happy I was to see my sweet children when I left work. To make it even better, when I met them at the grocery store, they all came running and callign "Mommy, Mommy!!" So sweet, I love it.
When we left the store, P decided he would ride home with me. Once in the car, P said, "Mommy, you know why I wanted to ride with you?"
Me: No P, why?
P: Because I am so in love with you!
Me: Oh, thank you P, I am in love with you too.
P: Does your heart go bump, bump like mine?
It does now P, it sure does now.
Later this evening as the kids were just finally getting into bed, T had brought a library book up to read in bed. A few minutes later, I hear hysterical crying coming from her room. When I went in, she told me through huge tears that she had checked a CHAPTER book out! Oh, the horror!!! She went on to say that the librarian told them the "chapter" books were for 3rd graders only. She said, "it was an accident! Can you tell (librarian) that it was an accident and I didn't read ANY of it!"
Oh T, my sweet goody goody, so worried that she would be in trouble for checking out a book that was a little beyond her reading ability.
I reassured her that she could read it, and that she should try. I also promised her I would email the librarian adn let her know what had happened. 20 minutes ago she called out to me to see if I had received an email answer!
So adorable!
When we left the store, P decided he would ride home with me. Once in the car, P said, "Mommy, you know why I wanted to ride with you?"
Me: No P, why?
P: Because I am so in love with you!
Me: Oh, thank you P, I am in love with you too.
P: Does your heart go bump, bump like mine?
It does now P, it sure does now.
Later this evening as the kids were just finally getting into bed, T had brought a library book up to read in bed. A few minutes later, I hear hysterical crying coming from her room. When I went in, she told me through huge tears that she had checked a CHAPTER book out! Oh, the horror!!! She went on to say that the librarian told them the "chapter" books were for 3rd graders only. She said, "it was an accident! Can you tell (librarian) that it was an accident and I didn't read ANY of it!"
Oh T, my sweet goody goody, so worried that she would be in trouble for checking out a book that was a little beyond her reading ability.
I reassured her that she could read it, and that she should try. I also promised her I would email the librarian adn let her know what had happened. 20 minutes ago she called out to me to see if I had received an email answer!
So adorable!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
The sweetest soul
My children are all so sweet and regularly surprise me with the sweetest statements or actions. Monday was my birthday, and I came home to find sweet cards made by T, P, & D. In fact, they were each wearing a good bit of marker all over themselves!
Today, on the way to drop T off at school, she asked if we would go to the beach this summer. I told her I didn't know b/c we are trying to save money for our trip to Korea. She asked if it cost money to go to Korea and the beach, and I explained about airfare and hotels costs, gas prices, etc. She thought for a minute and said, "Mommy, I will share my money with you to help bring "#6" home." She is so sweet!! I told her that we want her to save her money for herself and she replied, "how about just a little bit, some coins? That will help with getting him home, right?"
oh course is will, sweet girl!
She is such a kind, caring thoughtful kid. I love watching her look out for her siblings, and listening to her learn about the world around her, asking question after question. She will be 6 soon, and I just can't believe how quickly the time has gone.
Thanks miss T for being such a joy in my life everyday.
Today, on the way to drop T off at school, she asked if we would go to the beach this summer. I told her I didn't know b/c we are trying to save money for our trip to Korea. She asked if it cost money to go to Korea and the beach, and I explained about airfare and hotels costs, gas prices, etc. She thought for a minute and said, "Mommy, I will share my money with you to help bring "#6" home." She is so sweet!! I told her that we want her to save her money for herself and she replied, "how about just a little bit, some coins? That will help with getting him home, right?"
oh course is will, sweet girl!
She is such a kind, caring thoughtful kid. I love watching her look out for her siblings, and listening to her learn about the world around her, asking question after question. She will be 6 soon, and I just can't believe how quickly the time has gone.
Thanks miss T for being such a joy in my life everyday.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Prints, Play and Pals
This was a great weekend! We headed to NOVA to attempt an early walk in for our fingerprint appointment. Being 3 hours from the fingerprint office made this a bit of a gamble, but we were headed to that side of VA anyway, so might as well get them done! It was uneventful, minus half way there when I realized that they had my name WRONG on the appointment letter. Complete.freak.out.moment. Two phone calls later I was assured that #1 USCIS had it correct and #2 the Application Processing Center would correct it. Um, wrong. Thanks to a pin in one finger, my prints were slightly harder to capture than the average hand. I mentioned to the lady that my name was wrong, and she said she would fix it, but after 15 more attempts at my finger, she accepted the rejected print and hit submit. When I pointed out she hadn't made the name fix, she said "no problem, don't worry about it!" Boy, I hope so!! So, we shall see. I made a point to email NBC and let them know in hopes that it will all work out.
In other weekend events, my parents kept T, P, & D so Stephen and I could catch Beauty & the Beast (Broadway version). A lot of driving but all in all totally worth it. There was an interesting character sitting next to us, not sure I should say much else about that! We got back to my parents late, and turned on the TV to relax. They get 2 other the air Korean channels!! So we listened to a little K-pop music countdown beforedrifting off passing out. D was up nice and early, screaming as if her arms were being severed with a dull kitchen knife, so cake for breakfast to celebrate D and my sister's birthday (which they share and had passed more than a week ago)!
Saturday night we went to dinner for a friend's birthdays. This is one of our closest, dearest, most fabulous friends, A, and they were kind enough to wait to go out until after we were back in town. Dinner was amazing, our closest friends were all there, including a couple we haven't seen in months since they moved away. Again, late night, totally worth it. Oh yeah and a HUGE thanks to our friends, R & P, for keeping all 3 of ourrugrats cherubs, so sweet!
Fhew! I am tired just writing it. So today I was barely coherent, but we did go through toys and get a ton of stuff for the upcoming yardsales. Speaking of which, we brought so much home from my parents, sister and sister's friend, it was almost a hazard to the kids packed all around them. Thanks to all of them for that too!!!!
We got to show off #6 to our friends at dinner on Saturday, and share his name.... Yes, we have FINALLY decided (I think). S is sure, but continue to call him by his Korean name and think I probably always will. Oh and my kids are learning some Korean words and tonight P kept saying "when I say Omma, I am talking to you mommy!!!!" Love it!
Ok, fingers crossed for good fingerprint report and fast I-600A approval.
In other weekend events, my parents kept T, P, & D so Stephen and I could catch Beauty & the Beast (Broadway version). A lot of driving but all in all totally worth it. There was an interesting character sitting next to us, not sure I should say much else about that! We got back to my parents late, and turned on the TV to relax. They get 2 other the air Korean channels!! So we listened to a little K-pop music countdown before
Saturday night we went to dinner for a friend's birthdays. This is one of our closest, dearest, most fabulous friends, A, and they were kind enough to wait to go out until after we were back in town. Dinner was amazing, our closest friends were all there, including a couple we haven't seen in months since they moved away. Again, late night, totally worth it. Oh yeah and a HUGE thanks to our friends, R & P, for keeping all 3 of our
Fhew! I am tired just writing it. So today I was barely coherent, but we did go through toys and get a ton of stuff for the upcoming yardsales. Speaking of which, we brought so much home from my parents, sister and sister's friend, it was almost a hazard to the kids packed all around them. Thanks to all of them for that too!!!!
We got to show off #6 to our friends at dinner on Saturday, and share his name.... Yes, we have FINALLY decided (I think). S is sure, but continue to call him by his Korean name and think I probably always will. Oh and my kids are learning some Korean words and tonight P kept saying "when I say Omma, I am talking to you mommy!!!!" Love it!
Ok, fingers crossed for good fingerprint report and fast I-600A approval.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Today, I awoke to S saying "they moved #6." What I said? S told me that we had received an email that #6 had been moved to a new foster home, because of illness in his first foster family. I was immediately overcome by sadness. I had to get up and get T to school, but when I got to work, I read the email myself. In a short casual email, our SW informed us that due to illness #6 had been moved and some basic info about where he is now placed. I shared with a coworker and broke down. I am so sad. Sad for him, to have to be moved and readjust, only to move again (in what I hope won't be too terribly long). Sad for his foster mom and her family. Was this a decision she had to make? Her family? The agency who placed him? Will she be ok? On top of illness, she must now grieve the loss of someone who has been with her (and requiring a good bit of her attention).
It also got me thinking about his mother (birth mother, first mother, I feel mother is clear enough at this point for me). I so want to meet her, know her, thank her, share with her, love her.I want her to have pictures and info about him once he gets home.
Today, I realized how much I am attached to more than just the face of sweet #6, but with all of those out there that love him and care for him. It has been so enlighenting to feel my love, concern and protective nature grow each day for him, and for those in Korea I have yet to meet.
I hope one day I will have met them all, including his first foster mom, but for now, I just hold her in my thoughts and hope that she is ok.
It also got me thinking about his mother (birth mother, first mother, I feel mother is clear enough at this point for me). I so want to meet her, know her, thank her, share with her, love her.I want her to have pictures and info about him once he gets home.
Today, I realized how much I am attached to more than just the face of sweet #6, but with all of those out there that love him and care for him. It has been so enlighenting to feel my love, concern and protective nature grow each day for him, and for those in Korea I have yet to meet.
I hope one day I will have met them all, including his first foster mom, but for now, I just hold her in my thoughts and hope that she is ok.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
A Birthday kind of day! And some mixed feelings.
Today was baby D's 2nd birthday! We had already celebrated some last weekend and have family celebrations planned for this coming weekend and next, so today was pretty quiet other than the numerous phone calls to wish her a happy day. She did get here 1st skinned knee (hardly a present one wants!)
On the other side of the world (sort of) someone else celebrated today, his 8 month birthday! I hope he had a wonderful day! I am reminded that his mom may have also thought about today, and that he is 8 months today. I wish I could reach out to her and hug her, I cannot imagine the feelings she may be experiencing.
An interesting mix of emotions today, with all of these things to contemplate.
On the other side of the world (sort of) someone else celebrated today, his 8 month birthday! I hope he had a wonderful day! I am reminded that his mom may have also thought about today, and that he is 8 months today. I wish I could reach out to her and hug her, I cannot imagine the feelings she may be experiencing.
An interesting mix of emotions today, with all of these things to contemplate.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Random Ramblings...
I am making it a priority to keep up with this blog. I don't want it to be something we just update once a month, so I hope people will still follow it, when there are the occasional random ramblings by me. Although, I guess truly, it is all random ramblings...by me! Oh well!
I had a great, thoughtful, sweet sincere post (written on my Ipad, although it is a pain to type on that thing) and when I went to preview it, it DELETED. That does.not.make.me HAPPY. So now I will try to recreate it, from my computer, and even though they are still my original thoughts, well, they just don't seem as sincere as they did the first time...just flowing out without much thought. But, it was good, so here it goes:
First, I am really grateful for others who blog about their adoption experiences. It helps me "find my way" and connect with others virtually who have offered me insight and guidance. To the few of you I have reached out to, THANK YOU, truly you have been so helpful. That is part of the reason I wanted to write this blog, to document this experience, and all of our life experiences, to help others and to be able to reflect back on where we have been!
I recently had a friend experience a great loss in their family. They told me "Call your mom and tell her you love her. Tell her all the things you have always wanted to say." Those words have stayed with me for several days. And I am taking their advice, and taking it a bit further.
I am eternally thankful to our friends and family who have been supporting us throughout this adoption journey.
To my mom: Thank you Mom, for all that you have done, do and will do. I don't say enough how much I appreciate all of it, you.
To the others (you know who you are): Thank you for sharing our excitement, joy, frustration about the timeline, and love our our newest most adorable addition, AKA #6. Not everyone we know, knows about the journey we have been on for the last year, but those that do have really made it that much better for their contributions. From the co-workers that are helping me organize a yard sale to fundraise, to those that wrote us letters of support, financially assisted us, to my favorite: the friends that upon seeing #6's face, immediately responded, "I love him already!"
The love is the greatest, and I cannot wait for #6 to experience the "village" here waiting for him.
It may be a long wait until we meet you, #6, but we think of you everyday, love you so much already, and have quite the extended family excited for your arrival.
I had a great, thoughtful, sweet sincere post (written on my Ipad, although it is a pain to type on that thing) and when I went to preview it, it DELETED. That does.not.make.me HAPPY. So now I will try to recreate it, from my computer, and even though they are still my original thoughts, well, they just don't seem as sincere as they did the first time...just flowing out without much thought. But, it was good, so here it goes:
First, I am really grateful for others who blog about their adoption experiences. It helps me "find my way" and connect with others virtually who have offered me insight and guidance. To the few of you I have reached out to, THANK YOU, truly you have been so helpful. That is part of the reason I wanted to write this blog, to document this experience, and all of our life experiences, to help others and to be able to reflect back on where we have been!
I recently had a friend experience a great loss in their family. They told me "Call your mom and tell her you love her. Tell her all the things you have always wanted to say." Those words have stayed with me for several days. And I am taking their advice, and taking it a bit further.
I am eternally thankful to our friends and family who have been supporting us throughout this adoption journey.
To my mom: Thank you Mom, for all that you have done, do and will do. I don't say enough how much I appreciate all of it, you.
To the others (you know who you are): Thank you for sharing our excitement, joy, frustration about the timeline, and love our our newest most adorable addition, AKA #6. Not everyone we know, knows about the journey we have been on for the last year, but those that do have really made it that much better for their contributions. From the co-workers that are helping me organize a yard sale to fundraise, to those that wrote us letters of support, financially assisted us, to my favorite: the friends that upon seeing #6's face, immediately responded, "I love him already!"
The love is the greatest, and I cannot wait for #6 to experience the "village" here waiting for him.
It may be a long wait until we meet you, #6, but we think of you everyday, love you so much already, and have quite the extended family excited for your arrival.
Random ramblings...
I want to keep up this blog, not let it be something I post on once a month. So, I hope people will still read it when I have my random scatter posts!
I really wanted to point how nice it has been to read about others journeys and "meet" people in the virtual world that can offer their words of wisdom. So to the few I have already reached out to, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart, it really has been so helpful!
The other thing I am really thankful for is all the amazing support we have received from our friends and family around us. Now, not everyone knows what we have been hard at work on for the last year, but those that do have been AMAZING!!! Their words of support, true interest in our journey and process, and utter excitement at our adorable new addition. They have sympathized with our long wait, and offer us a shoulder to lean on. THANK YOU to those of you, and you know who you are! There are also so many people who are eager to help us with raising so of the much needed money to complete this adventure. Co-workers and friends & family all donating items for a yard sale that they are helping me plan for June. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! We are eternally grateful for your support, I'm sure I do not show it well enough!
And speaking of not everyone knowing, I want to share, shout it from the mountain tops, but at the same time, want to find a creative way to share. Still trying to work that one out.
#6 is already so loved, it makes me smile every time I think about it. It might be many months before we meet you M.R.K.
I really wanted to point how nice it has been to read about others journeys and "meet" people in the virtual world that can offer their words of wisdom. So to the few I have already reached out to, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart, it really has been so helpful!
The other thing I am really thankful for is all the amazing support we have received from our friends and family around us. Now, not everyone knows what we have been hard at work on for the last year, but those that do have been AMAZING!!! Their words of support, true interest in our journey and process, and utter excitement at our adorable new addition. They have sympathized with our long wait, and offer us a shoulder to lean on. THANK YOU to those of you, and you know who you are! There are also so many people who are eager to help us with raising so of the much needed money to complete this adventure. Co-workers and friends & family all donating items for a yard sale that they are helping me plan for June. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! We are eternally grateful for your support, I'm sure I do not show it well enough!
And speaking of not everyone knowing, I want to share, shout it from the mountain tops, but at the same time, want to find a creative way to share. Still trying to work that one out.
#6 is already so loved, it makes me smile every time I think about it. It might be many months before we meet you M.R.K.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
A name...
What's in a name? Well in this family A LOT. (read: RULES). With 3 little cherubs already in the family, I am finding it harder and harder to find a name for #6. See with each kid, we thought long and hard about a name, see below for further details :) Anyway, so we have been trying to agree on a name for #6 and haven't found one. We are of course, very happy with the name he comes with, and it will remain part of his name. I guess we just feel that we should also contribute a piece of his name....so to work we go!
Here are some of the ridiculous, insane, impossible rules I like to apply to name picking:
1) not too common
2) not too short
3) no names with "built in" nickname i.e. Christopher or Michael
4) Cannot begin with the same letter as any other C kid
5) Shouldn't end with the same letter/sound as any other C kid
6) has a strong meaning
...on a side note, I do not necessarily have anything against names that have a "built in" nickname. I in fact have one of those names. The deal is from day 1 my parents called me the nickname, and so the original name is somewhat foreign to me. There is nothing wrong with it (in fact it is quite beautiful) but it never felt like it was ME. So, I just decided if I picked a name, I would use that name. In S's case, his mother never called him by the nickname, but that doesn't stop people from shortening it. Sometimes, people will call him by the nickname and I will think "who are they talking about? I don't know anyone named that???" Then I realize! DUH! So between the 2 of us, we felt pretty strongly about that!! Plus, if you know us, we are a tad neurotic!!! just a tad, really!!!
Sooo, if anyone wants, please feel free to make some suggestions. Here are the letters to avoid: T, P, D, and end sounds of y, n, and r. Easy peasy, right?!?!?!?!?
Here are some of the ridiculous, insane, impossible rules I like to apply to name picking:
1) not too common
2) not too short
3) no names with "built in" nickname i.e. Christopher or Michael
4) Cannot begin with the same letter as any other C kid
5) Shouldn't end with the same letter/sound as any other C kid
6) has a strong meaning
...on a side note, I do not necessarily have anything against names that have a "built in" nickname. I in fact have one of those names. The deal is from day 1 my parents called me the nickname, and so the original name is somewhat foreign to me. There is nothing wrong with it (in fact it is quite beautiful) but it never felt like it was ME. So, I just decided if I picked a name, I would use that name. In S's case, his mother never called him by the nickname, but that doesn't stop people from shortening it. Sometimes, people will call him by the nickname and I will think "who are they talking about? I don't know anyone named that???" Then I realize! DUH! So between the 2 of us, we felt pretty strongly about that!! Plus, if you know us, we are a tad neurotic!!! just a tad, really!!!
Sooo, if anyone wants, please feel free to make some suggestions. Here are the letters to avoid: T, P, D, and end sounds of y, n, and r. Easy peasy, right?!?!?!?!?
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Finally, some sunshine!
Thank goodness today provided some decent weather! I am not sure that all 5 of the "C's" could have stayed cooped up for another weekend. Today, we went for a walk, and got a RARE glimpse of affection between P and Baby D. It was so sweet, I am glad I could capture it for proof.
Otherwise around here we are all trying to clear up the last of the cold weather bugs and keep up with the laundry that never ends! As far as the adoption road, thank GOODNESS the Government decided to stay open. I am entirely too impatient to deal with a shutdown, and what that may do to our pending Immigration paperwork. I did get an email confirmation that our application arrived at its government destination, (further clarified by the LARGE withdrawal from my bank account). As I keep saying, "ok, now that should be the last of the big payments for awhile," I don't even believe myself anymore. Now I have become obsessed with timelines: how long til our letter comes, how long until the legals, will we really wait a whole year to travel?????? Too many questions, I really do not have idle time to obessively read about other's timelines, but I CANNOT stop myself.
So here it is Sunday evening, and it is back to work again tomorrow. On a positive note, Mondays are the days we remove a link from our paperchain to M.R.K (AKA the 6th "C"). So that will have to be progress for now!
Otherwise around here we are all trying to clear up the last of the cold weather bugs and keep up with the laundry that never ends! As far as the adoption road, thank GOODNESS the Government decided to stay open. I am entirely too impatient to deal with a shutdown, and what that may do to our pending Immigration paperwork. I did get an email confirmation that our application arrived at its government destination, (further clarified by the LARGE withdrawal from my bank account). As I keep saying, "ok, now that should be the last of the big payments for awhile," I don't even believe myself anymore. Now I have become obsessed with timelines: how long til our letter comes, how long until the legals, will we really wait a whole year to travel?????? Too many questions, I really do not have idle time to obessively read about other's timelines, but I CANNOT stop myself.
So here it is Sunday evening, and it is back to work again tomorrow. On a positive note, Mondays are the days we remove a link from our paperchain to M.R.K (AKA the 6th "C"). So that will have to be progress for now!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
The other occupants of this house...
Well, he did do a good job decribing the majority of the "C" family, too bad he left himself and the fur kids out. "S" is the dad around these parts! He is also the comic relief when the rugrats aren't on their game. He is the cook, housecleaner, yard worker, and basically all things domesticated, because, well, I am NOT.
As for the rest of the occupants, we have 1 obnoxious dog, Dieka, a Belgian Malinois. For those not familiar, that means "not a good housepet" in some other language. She is almost 10 now and sort of settling down. We also have a neurotic cat, Quimby, who would really rather we just all go away permanently, and 1 lone surviving sea monkey. Sea monkeys by the way, might be the BEST PET EVER!!! I mean, they don't get in the trash, don't shed, don't even have to eat everyday and make no noise! LOVE IT!!!
So I wanted to start a blog, not that anyone wants to hear what we have to say, but as a way to document this great journey we are on. I have gotten such encouragement and knowledge from reading other blogs about families pursuing adoption, that well, I wanted to share too!!! We are in for the long wait, and I am hoping to make the best of it. Next entry will be all about our newest addition, but for now I will say, we are hoping that in the next year, while we wait the arrival of C #6, we can use this time to raise some money to help with this endeavor. One thing I have definitely learned is even though it is a lot of money at once, it is doable, it is worth it, and money cannot be an obstacle. So we will figure it out and find the money, because not having #6 isn't an option. He is meant for this family and we are excited to have him.
As for the rest of the occupants, we have 1 obnoxious dog, Dieka, a Belgian Malinois. For those not familiar, that means "not a good housepet" in some other language. She is almost 10 now and sort of settling down. We also have a neurotic cat, Quimby, who would really rather we just all go away permanently, and 1 lone surviving sea monkey. Sea monkeys by the way, might be the BEST PET EVER!!! I mean, they don't get in the trash, don't shed, don't even have to eat everyday and make no noise! LOVE IT!!!
So I wanted to start a blog, not that anyone wants to hear what we have to say, but as a way to document this great journey we are on. I have gotten such encouragement and knowledge from reading other blogs about families pursuing adoption, that well, I wanted to share too!!! We are in for the long wait, and I am hoping to make the best of it. Next entry will be all about our newest addition, but for now I will say, we are hoping that in the next year, while we wait the arrival of C #6, we can use this time to raise some money to help with this endeavor. One thing I have definitely learned is even though it is a lot of money at once, it is doable, it is worth it, and money cannot be an obstacle. So we will figure it out and find the money, because not having #6 isn't an option. He is meant for this family and we are excited to have him.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Young artists, actors, ...drama queens
Sooo, Let's start with a general description of the people living in this kingdom. T is the mommy. In case anyone was ever not sure our 23 month old, D., will reinforce that in less than 4 minutes because she stalks mommy constantly and approximately every five minutes clings to her leg and yells at me when I try to get her to pry away and come to me. The 4 year old, P., is an equal opportunity manipulator evidenced by his ability to turn on the pouty face whenever he is told "No", about ANYTHING. Unfortunately it doesn't end there, the face is the beginning followed quickly by the stomping and the self imposed exile, "I'm going to my room." Um, okay. The oldest, T. is a budding artist in all manner of mediums, crayon, marker, colored pencil, sidewalk chalk, drama (as in queen). You know, just like the greats.
While playing in the front yard today T decided to draw chalk portraits of the family and as she has done for me recently she drew a picture of mommy with triangle eyes. She explained to mommy that these are to show mommy's angry face. HA! finally I'm not the only one T thinks is mean.
On another note. Is it all parents or just me who still tunes to Ratatouille and other such fare even after the mini monsters have long been snoring. I mean, kids' stuff is entertaining and all. I refuse to feel emasculated. Big T however likes to take these opportunities to point out my childishness. So!
Did I mention that we are in the thick of adding another one to the insanity that is our life? Our newest is currently living with his foster family outside of Seoul awaiting our ridiculously repetitive and soul draining emmigration paperwork both with Korea's government and the U.S. Department of State. Yeah, 'cuz there's a well oiled machine. In the meantime we get, well, we get nothing. More forms to notarize and a boat load of debt, see because the great thing about international adoption is, you get to pay up front while someone else gets to continue to raise your child while you hold your breath through ninety six shades of blue waiting on the absurditity of beauracracy. Oh did someone say those slack a^&*s in the government are going to shut down. YAY!!!!!!
While playing in the front yard today T decided to draw chalk portraits of the family and as she has done for me recently she drew a picture of mommy with triangle eyes. She explained to mommy that these are to show mommy's angry face. HA! finally I'm not the only one T thinks is mean.
On another note. Is it all parents or just me who still tunes to Ratatouille and other such fare even after the mini monsters have long been snoring. I mean, kids' stuff is entertaining and all. I refuse to feel emasculated. Big T however likes to take these opportunities to point out my childishness. So!
Did I mention that we are in the thick of adding another one to the insanity that is our life? Our newest is currently living with his foster family outside of Seoul awaiting our ridiculously repetitive and soul draining emmigration paperwork both with Korea's government and the U.S. Department of State. Yeah, 'cuz there's a well oiled machine. In the meantime we get, well, we get nothing. More forms to notarize and a boat load of debt, see because the great thing about international adoption is, you get to pay up front while someone else gets to continue to raise your child while you hold your breath through ninety six shades of blue waiting on the absurditity of beauracracy. Oh did someone say those slack a^&*s in the government are going to shut down. YAY!!!!!!
Friday, April 1, 2011
A looong way to go
Okay, so we have a lot going on what with the three wee ones, jobs, finishing an annoying undergraduate degree 17 years in the making, reinventing the wheel. You know nothing out of the ordinary. Oh wait, and we're waiting for our paperwork to get through the excruciating minefield that is the international adoption process like so many others who ease their stress by blogging.
Just warming up to this blogginess so stand by for some cake and cookies and junk and stuff......
Just warming up to this blogginess so stand by for some cake and cookies and junk and stuff......
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