
the only time these feet are still

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Emotional Rollercoaster

Sorry I fell off the face of the earth for almost 2 weeks, shame on me!  I really want to be diligent and post at least once a week.  I have no excuse other than lazy.   I would mean to post, then end up waiting until I was just too late to offer anything coherent.

Anyway, yesterday was exhausting.  We got a letter from the fabulous Immigration agency, you know....  It stated that they needed more "evidence" because our daycare provider comes to our home.  She does.not however live here.  I tried calling my social worker who kindly said there must be some confusion, she has never heard of this, then the officer at said government agency...who let's say wasn't that helpful.  Now, I have found the people there to be quite pleasant the couple times I have called, but not so much this time.  So I determined that we will likely have to ask our childcare provider to submit to a background check, driving 2+ hours to get fingerprinted, and interview with our social worker, and medical exam.  I hope she is willing, but what if she refuses??  I am reeling at what to do next.  I have left a message for the "officers" supervisor in hopes of him seeing that this isn't a requirement for I-600a approval, but I am not optimistic.

BUT after all of that, I opened my email to find an UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
H is HUGE, bigger than the rest of the C kids at 9 months.  He is almost 19lbs, which T & P weren't until a year old.  He is similar in size to "baby D"  Not sure if the outfit I got him, will fit, at least not for long.  He is ADORABLE, & I am even more in love today than yesterday.  He is truly so precious.  1 picture they sent he is definitely over the photo-op, and he is still just the cutest little guy! 

I wish I could share his picture, you guys are so missing out on such a cutie, but I have looked at it enough times for the entire population of the world! 

We will send his package next week, and maybe plan for size 18 months sooner rather than later.  We will also figure out all this paperwork garbage and do whatever we have to to get our approval.  This is one of those times that the long wait is beneficial, at least no time crunch.

H-We love you!  Happy early 10month Birthday.  I am going to hope a pray for good news on Monday from the immigration supervisor.  Boy, next spring can't come soon enough.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I hope you get good news about your I-600A soon. It shouldn't be this hard, right?! :) H is about the same size as C at 9 months. I thought Korean babies would be smaller, but so far that doesn't seem to be the case.
