
the only time these feet are still

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

We gained 4 feet & now we are losing 1

It has been a rollercoaster of a week.  Last Tuesday, T got a kitten.  She named him Sebastian (no Little Mermaid influence here).  She actually wanted to name him Buttercup, but if you notice his picture, it isn't exactly a matching name.  Anyway, I suggested something from a favorite show or movie, and Sebastian stuck.  He is from the SPCA, and actually quite sweet.
That is where the good story ends.


For good measure, here is Mayor Quimby, so he isn't left out.

We noticed this past weekend that our dog, Dieka, had a swollen wrist.  Based on her age and breed we felt confident this was more than a sprain.  Today at the vet, my fears were confirmed...cancer, bone cancer.  Those that know me know I regularly comment about Dieka's age and how little time she has left.  Really, that was me trying to prepare myself for a day like today.  But when it came, I feel no more prepared.  Dieka is a special girl.  She is OBNOXIOUS, and all that have been to my house know that.  BUT, she is definitely a great part of the C family.  She was a gift from me to S our first Christmas together, which makes her even more special.  She is a menace at times, getting in the trash, on the counter, barking at leaves blowing by at 6am.  And I am not done with those annoying things.  So, although we are trying to save our money for a certain trip to Korea next spring, this Thursday Dieka will undergo surgery to amputate her leg, in hopes of giving her more time to be a menace.  Tonight, we will explain it to the kids, and it makes me sad that they will experience this and the eventual lost, but I know that is part of growing up. 

So, I am hoping things go well on Thursday (and maybe hoping that she will won't be able to get on the counter anymore).
We love you Dieka!

In other news, we have applied for our i-600 I think, and are looking forward to celebrating a little someone's 11 month birthday next week.  Time is flying, and at the same time moving at a snail's pace.  I am hoping to get an undate soon, maybe even a video!?!?!?!

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