
the only time these feet are still

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Quiet around here

Saturday the cherubs went to stay with G.G. & P-pa.  They will be there all week.  Man, it is Q U I E T here!  I have been mostly alone all day as S constructs stairs for our deck.  Just me and the animals, staying inside and staying cool.  I have caught up on some shows, read some blogs and even baked something!  I know that last part is hard to believe, but really I did...banana blueberry bread.  Not sure yet how it will taste, but it smells good.  I have been thinking a lot about H and how much longer we will wait until he can come home.  I have been reading a lot of other blogs of families with children from Korea.  Some are waiting and some have come home.  It helps to know there are other people waiting too, although I feel sad for all of them also.  And it definitely helps to read about families that have recently come home, their adjustments and joys.  I also keep thinking of H's birth mother.  Next week will make 11 months that he has graced this earth.  I hope she finds comfort each day, and I long for the day that we may know her and thank her, and share H with her.

Speaking of H, I struggle with what I want to call him.  We picked a name for him, and I like it.  The thing is there is nothing wrong with his given name, and we are keeping it.  Part of me feels like we shouldn't add to his name and part of me wants to be part in choosing it.  I don't know.  I like the flow of the names all together, but I am just not sure what I will call him everyday.  Maybe I will call him his Korean name, I like it.  I hear that from a lot of people, that his Korean name is unique and "cool."  All of our children have unique names, so why does he need an "Americanized" name anyway???  I know we have lots of time, but every time I refer to him as "H" it seems odd.  He is M now, not H.  Just my thoughts.

I hope this will be a good week.  Dieka is doing well, and I think she is feeling very little pain now which is all I care about.  She is still very hesitant to cross that invisible fence, although it is unplugged and she is usually wearing no collar.  So I think it is GREAT that I get to be the kind person that is dragging a 3 legged dog around the house, so she can go potty.  I'm sure my neighbors think I am the cruelest person in the world!!!! lovely!!!