
the only time these feet are still

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

bleh, but I'm back.

So looking back I find it both sad and amusing that 2 posts ago is titled "WOOHOO 2012" and the very next..."FRUSTRATED"
I think the latter still sums it up.  There isn't much positive I can say, however I am happy that our agency has at least tried to advocate for those waiting.  Not sure it will make much difference.
I wish I could say that I have been able to keep it off my mind, but that would be a lie.  Patience is not an asset I can claim, and if you know you KNOW that. GRRRRRR, not sure what else would be appropriate to say in this forum.   I will say the last several weeks have proven to be harder than anything else I have been through, and I am not many people can truly understand that.

Ok, other topics!  First, I am working on a small distraction.  Adoption can be EXPENSIVE, and ours is one that is expensive.  A very kind friend of mine has volunteered to do a little "fundraiser" for our adoption.  I am truly grateful!  So, I am working out the details and I hope that people who read this will join in supoprting us, while getting something great for themselves too!!!  So stay tuned for that!

Other distractions????  OH YEAH, we have 3 other amazing, beautiful kids. And provide a distraction they do.  I am looking forward to more CARS 2 video games, a trip to see teh Disney Princesses live and experiencing the world through the eyes of my stubborn, strong-willed 2 year old. 
S and I are even planning a little weekend escape to celebrate the anniversary of our first date. 

In other news, my job has been challenging and I am loving it.  People never cease to amaze me!
I also attended a retirement recognition for an amazing man who I have had the privledge to work with for several years.  It reminds me to be grateful for the every moment everyday, for the opportunities I have been given and for the people I encounter. 

So through all the feelings of frustration, anger, sadness, inpatience I will strive to be grateful, positive, happy, thankful and joyful.  It will get better, we will get there.  HE WILL COME HOME!
(let's just hope it is before I am 100)  Really  I just want to have him here before he is 2.

patience, patience, patience....breathing in...

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