
the only time these feet are still

Thursday, August 2, 2012


So, Friday was looonnnnggg, and I really felt like because of the time difference it was actually 2 days. M did pretty well considering on the 2 flights we had. He stayed in the carrier for the majority and slept a good bit. When we got to Dulles, we moved quickly to get our luggage and get on the road. Another 2 hours to home. A storm also arrived about the time we did, so we had the luxury of driving home in pouring rain!! We didn't get home until around 10pm. We made a quick food stop, shared a french fry with M and switched driver's, as S was very sleepy. When we pulled onto our street I could see the twinkle of something reflective on the garage door. It was just in time for me to put the door back down. And...there they were, all my babies in ONE place! T,P & D were all on the front porch with glow sticks and signs eagerly awaiting our arrival. It was so late, but we were SO happy to see them. M immediately light up and smiled when he saw them, and well they were in love. It was such a shame that it wasn't very bright out there so not pictures. It was priceless! The kids really barely acknowledged S & I, just wanted to see their brother!

So there we are, home! Things have gone pretty well over all. Sleep is happening and for that I am extremely thankful. Kids are still loving him after almost 2 weeks home, so that is a huge plus! We have had our first post placement and his green card arrived. So all in all, it has been a crazy couple weeks, but we are moving in the right direction. And because really, people are more interested in pictures than my babbling, here are more pics of the cuties...

Ice Cream!

1st baseball game...unamused...

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! I am so happy everyone is in their place. I actually got a "high five" from HM this afternoon AND a bye-bye & waved kiss. HM was happy to see Miss D; had held her hand and stroked her hair.
