
the only time these feet are still

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Today I became a mommy

...7 years ago.  It is crazy how fast the time has flown by.  I can remember wanting to be a mommy since I was a little girl.  I remember being afraid that maybe it wouldn't be so easy.  I remember the morning I found out it wasn't that hard after all.  I remember telling S while he was still very asleep.  The amazing experience of being pregnant, telling our families, feeling her move, all seem like yesterday.  I remember her due date...coming...and...going.  And I remember waking S up at 3:30 in the morning and then deciding maybe it was a false alarm.  Seconds later, my water broke and off we went.  For all my excitement and hope and desire to be a mom, I was not prepared for labor.  Let's be honest, I am a wuss.  I didn't think I would make it.  I was terrified when the midwife said the baby might be 8+ pounds. And finally after 16 or so hours, T was born.  My first thought???  That is not an 8lb baby!  And she wasn't, just a tiny 6lbs 15oz.
I was exhausted.  But I distinctly remember watching her, just staring.  And her Daddy, well he was smitten, and I loved watching that (still do).  Labor was hard, but from the second she was born, T has been the easiest child anyone could ask for.  She was an easy baby, quiet, inquisitive and patient.  And she really still is.  She is wicked smart (and I'm not just saying that cuz she's my kid), silly, kind, beautiful and hilarious.  She has a heart of gold and it amazes me how much empathy and compassion she already shows at her young age.  She loves her Daddy fiercely and the rest of us too.
Part of me hates how fast she has grown up, but at the same time I am excited to see her grow and learn.  I have no doubt she will have a big impact on this world, that she will grow up ans still be my smart, beautiful, silly, sweet, dancing, singing girl.

And in other news, it is almost JUNE!!!  Anticipation is growing and I am finding myself daydreaming about when it is finally time.  I have started purchasing some things for the gift baskets and I JUST CAN'T WAIT!   T had really wanted him home for her birthday, so I am hoping maybe I can tell her we are finally on the home stretch as a consolation prize!

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