
the only time these feet are still

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Naughty or Nice

It is that time of year, which list are you on???  Around our house, there are some of us that have not yet concreted a spot of the Nice list.  T & P are of course highly motivated to remain in the good graces, as they can fully understand the good= get presents.  The little ones. Not.So.Much.  HM definitely doesn't get it and I know Santa has no expectation that he be good all the time.  As far as D goes, she is the wild card.  I thinks she is old enough, and certainly smart enough, to understand that Santa wants you to be good and nice, especially to your mom and dad!!!  Let's be honest, she's calling his bluff, and showing her stubbornness skills.  I keep warning her that Santa is watching, but it hasn't yet stopped her from an occasional frequent meltdown, complete with feet stomping and yelling.  Oh Santa, how you have met your match this year.  What will you do???  Hold gifts, or cave?  That is the exciting question that will be answered Christmas morning.


Before we delve into where Mommy & Daddy are on the naughty/nice list, let's talk about other things that have been going on.
First, we have had illness....lots of it.  From right before Thanksgiving until well today, as I sit home with a feverish 2 year old, we have definitely had our share of cold weather yucks!
 One of my greatest friends, T, got engaged, and I am so excited for her.  She lives too far away and I don't get to see her enough, but I can't wait for her big day!  We have known each other way, way, WAY too long (like make you feel old, long) and I have waited for the perfect guy to come along for her, and she has definitely found him.  So excited for them!
 HM is speaking more and more everyday.  He understands so much, but still struggles with expressing his wants and needs.  He is getting braver about trying to say new words and sounds.  What a brave boy he has been to tackle a whole new world.  We have a picture of him and his Omma on our fridge and for the first time the other day when looking at their picture, he said "Omma."  YAY!  Speaking of HM, this Saturday we will have our last, LAST, LAST, (got that), LAST post-placement appointment, before we can finalize!  Yippee, that means this journey that we started in early 2010 will end and the rest of our lives will begin.  Really, nothing will change in our day to day life, he is our son and very much a C, but with finalization comes the legal stuff that says what we already know and live every day.

Now, the important part.  Where do I fall on Santa's list???
Well, I will tell you some of this things I have been up to and you tell me...
good things first:
  • I work in a noble field where I help people, the young kind, everyday.  Hopefully I help improve their lives...that's a good thing right?
  • I perform random acts of kindness, not enough, but still.  In November, I paid for the meals of an older couple behind me in the drive thru...not a huge thing, but it made my day!!!  Just last week, I paid to for a tow truck to unlock a gentleman's car after he locked his keys in it.  He had had some rough times, and well it was the right thing to do.
  • I say thank you to anyone who holds a door, serves me a meal or helps me in a store. 
  • I/we sponsored 4 children for Christmas this year. 
  • Saturday I helped give out gifts to several hundred children at a work event.

Whew, that was really hard.  It is much easier for me to highlight my naughty points:
  • I have road rage.
  • I hate doing laundry especially putting it away.  It often sits folded (usually) in the basket til a kid digs it out to wear.
  • I live for nap time!
  • I eat too much candy.
  • Sometimes, ok a lot of times, a raise my voice...ok, yell.
  • S says I am lazy and, well, he's right.
  • I hate doing dishes.
  • Let's be honest, I hate housework.  thankfully my sweet, sweet husband is much more of a neat freak.
  • I am impatient.
  • I get frustrated easily with people's stupidity.
  • sometimes, I lie to my mom.


  1. We are SO proud of you and you and your empathetic nature. [Hint - use your empathy when feeling "road rage"; you never know if the "idiot" is rushing to a loved one or is himself not well; of course using "Daddy words" first helps the BP.]

    Seems to me you carry many traits of your parent(s). Step back; In-Hale - Ex-Hale!

    As for the "lies to Mom"... sometimes I KNOW & many times I wonder. No matter. You are YOU as your children will be themselves; keep this in mind.

    mommie & Dad

  2. Now comes P-Pa's commentary.

    Seeing all the grandchildren, not as often as I would like but perhaps enough to appreciate that I don't see them enough is a wish that I know I share with GG.

    As for you comments on D -- Gee, I wonder where she gets the defiance and limit testing from. Every time she tries you with one of her defiant streaks and you feel almost overwhelmed, just go look into your mirror. I can recall so many of the things you speak of just about 32 years ago and the crisis that you could create!

    As for the road rage, I will take ownership to passing that along to you. Along with not wanting to put the clothes away, raising one's voice, impatience with others inability to understand how the world operates, and, I sometimes do not tell your mother the whole truth either!

    Not only did you get not liking housework from me, I don’t like yard work either.

