Shift work, t-ball and birthdays, just a little of what we have been up to here. April is the beginning of birthday season in our house. 3 of the 5 of us have birthdays in April and May. Of course, they are separated just far enough that there is NO.WAY to combine the festivities! A certain someone, soon to arrive to the C family will share a birthday month with Daddy, and those 2 are close enough for a combined celebration.
We also started our first season of T-ball...whew almost as intense as the MLB schedule. P is enjoying it though, and I think he has some ability. I would love it if it didn't coincide with S's work schedule causing him to miss almost every game.
On the adoption front, things continue to move in front of us. I am hopefully that in July we will be in a certain Asian country, or even better we will have just gotten home. At 20 months, H is certainly going to have a different adjustment then an infant that is still unclear about the world around them. I have been trying to follow other families that have recently come home with their little ones in hope of learning some of language, food and sleep issues unique to almost 2 year old as they make this adjustment. I vacillate (nice word, right!) between fear and excitement. I do realize and acknowledge that this will be a difficult experience for him, borne out of multiple losses in his life. In response to that, I remind myself that this will be the last family H must bond to and how we got to this is not lost on all of us. We will work to learn and nurture him as his unique being, as we do for the other 3 C kiddos.
**oh yeah about that shiner on the Buggy, she caught the corner of a metal shelf while dancing, twirling a flittting about at preschool. I might also add, it is the 1st shiner of the C kids...pretty impressive in my opinion. No shocker that the buggy would be the one to get a black eye first!
(now I add this as if any of the 4 people who read this hadn't already heard that story a MILLION times, but maybe, just maybe someone who doesn't know me and see me on a daily basis stumbles onto this babbling blog!)